Chapter 18

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Tony shrugged down the hallway toward the coma center. The same one where Gibbs was many years earlier. Where no mater who tried or how hard, it was Ziva's and his breakable connection that dragged him back to reality.

"Sr?" A man asked over the station counter.

Tony looked at him but kept walking down the darkening hallway. It was getting extremely late in the evening and even though the patients in the area are comatose, they say that keeping the normal schedule helps them reacquaint into the world.

He paused at the wooden door that was slightly ajar. Preparing himself for what he may or may not see laying in the white scratchy sheets, he looked at the little clipboard hanging on the door.

'Ziva David' the top read. He didn't read any further. Nothing could compare to what the doctors and his own thoughts had drove him too.

Entering the room, metallic beeping and buzzing that were supposed to be quite, rang through his ears. The ringing continued as he let his eyes drop to the little hospital bed.

Laying there was an overly pale women who if Tony didn't know any better, he would have thought he was in the wrong room.

"Ziva," he breathed, finally letting into his emotions that have been held up since long before everything happened.

Tears threatened to spill out of his already bloodshot tired eyes. Checking the room once more for anyone, Tony finally gave in.

Grabbing her freezing hand, years flooded his vision. He sat in the open chair next to Ziva and starred at the pale blue wall.

"You don't deserve this..." He whispered, placing both his hands around her fragile hand, lifting it up to his forehead. He kissed it before continuing.

"I don't understand how something like this has to happen for us to put life in perspective. We see families overcome with grief and pain in the regular bases, and have experienced it ourselves." Tony took a deep breath as he gazed at her unopened eyes.

Before he could stop himself, words spilled out of his mouth. "I thought that we-as in Gibbs Team- were invincible. Always going home at night. At least the nights that we could. Or to each other's. But now I see how this is changing, were changing. You, me, Gibbs, Maddie, all of our lives are changing quickly. I don't want to spend another day having to walk into the office and tease you, playfully flirting, or any other childish games that we play." He chuckled at the thought of Ziva's and his past playful games Over the years.

"I want us to be happy. All of us." He finished slowly. "You probably can't hear me."

Tony slowly set Zivas fragile right hand on the mattress. He placed his hand over it and sniffled. "Please, wake up."

Under his hand, a twitch of a finger surprised him. Pulling back, he checked for any other signs of consciousness. Failing at his search, he grabbed her hand again and rested his elbows on his knees.

Looking up at Zivas face, he mentally compared her to Gibbs' comma many years ago. Although Jenny was mainly by his side, Tony remembered some of the details.

Gibbs' eyes would rapidly move under his eyelids. Ziva however, had no such movement. He was as still as stone. Also, Gibbs was warm to the touch, with his hot-tempered blood still pumping through his veins. Again, Ziva was not chilly, but cold to the touch. Almost like the bodies were in autopsy, but there was one main difference between the two. They were dead, she was not. When Gibbs awoke after days of unrestful sleep from the team, he didn't-couldn't- remember anything that happened after Desert Storm.

"Don't forget about me Zi," he breathed, another tear escaping his emerald eyes.

"I'll be here, I'm not going anywhere," he whispered kissing her pale blue fingers.

Long time I know, luckily summer break is coming up so I can update a lot more on my stories!

Only a few more chapters of this one, but I have many stories lined up for after this one.

Please comment your thoughts and/or suggestions on the next few chapters!

Thank you guys who still read my stories!! I love you!


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