Chapter 5

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"Okey Ducky, what'cha got for me?" Gibbs asked kneeling down next to Taylor Green.

"This young women was hit at least 5 times, 4 having an exit. I will not know the fatal one until we get her back." Ducky stood up and walked over to Zach Green who was laying a few feet away.

"And him?" Gibbs asked following him.

"Struck 6 times and 4 are through and through." Ducky explained. He stood up looking over the two bodies. "Its so sad. They had a full life ahead of them."

Gibbs nodded and looked over at the wall that stood behind them. "DiNozzo." He called.

"Yes boss?" Tony said walking into the kitchen where his boss was.

"Bag this." Gibbs ordered picking up a stray bullet that hit the wall and fell out of the wall.

"Right boss." Tony said opening up an evidence bag and letting Gibbs drip the bullet in.

Tony left the room and headed back to where him and McGee were. The master bedroom.

It looked almost exactly like the hotel that Ziva and Tony had stayed at.

"I'm just gonna catch 40." Tony said tiredly. "And then get up, grab a bite, brush my teeth, take a shower and then get dressed and go."

"Naps tend to work better when you lay down." She said smartly. "And stop talking." She added.

Tony was shifting his weight ready to get off the Queen sized bed when she stopped him.

"No, you stay there. I'll take the pull-out." She said grabbing his dress coat and heading to the closest.

"Thank you." Tony breathed leaning back on the soft pillow. He looked over at her. "Are you seriously hanging up my clothes, sweet cheeks? That's very funny." He asked cocking his head.

She turned and leaned against the wall. "What? You do not think I remember when you called me that." She smirked. "Mon petit pois."

"Look at you." Tony said watching his beautiful partner in the dim light. "This proves it." He grinned. "I always knew you were the type."

"I'm many things, Tony." Ziva explained. "A type not one of them."

"Yes you are." Tony argued playfully.
"You are the type who likes to hang up her man's clothes for tonight."

"When I have a man the favors I offer have little to do with clothes." She said looking at the other side of the room.

"That's good to know." Tony said turning his head back to he was looking up at the white ceiling. "Come on. You should get some sleep, too."

Ziva looked at the couch then back at Tony. Sighing she walked over to the bed and laid down next to him. "I cannot sleep." She whispered.

Tony turned and looked into her deep brown eyes. "Last night, on the plane, you were thinking about your dad.
What was it?" He asked being careful about his words.

"A lot of things." She slowly answered stilling looking through his eyes.

"We'll get Bodnar tonight." He said reassuring her.

"I know." She said.

Tony was zapped out of his trance when Gibbs ran in. "We have a problem."

Heres the next chapter. Hope you like it! This took me a long time to wright so i hope you like it!!

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