Whoops totally forgot again...here ya go!
Chapter 5: My Forgetfulness
Mary Alice's P.O.V.
Okay, so my plan was a complete success. It was a major success! The thing was...I couldn't stick to my plan. It wasn't my plan that was the problem. My plan was beautiful and perfect. I refuse to be told otherwise. It was just the one minor detail that I completely forgot. It was very minor. It slipped my mind and this one little minor itsy-bitsy teeny-tiny detail blew my whole plan to smithereens. I completely forgot that his time machine only takes you to the past. If I used it, I'd be stuck in the past where I'd end up sucking the entire planet dry! I mean could you really blame me? It's a time machine! Time is past, present, and future. What kind of time machine can't return to the future? And it only works once! Gah! Why me? Why now? All that work, all those tears! All of this for nothing! Absolutely nothing! I risked getting caught. I am so thankful for my ability to come up with stories fast. This morning breakfast with the Allens was practically an interrogation. I mean don't get me wrong. They were very friendly and inviting, but they had so many questions! I was so scared there might be plot holes in it, but thankfully, there weren't. If anyone found out what I was planning to do, there's no way they'd allow it. I was currently in my room. Apparently, Mom woke up last night. She wanted to see me. Let's say they weren't as good liars as I was...so they told Aunt Liz I was sleeping so that she could tell mom and then mom's lying sense would not pop up because that is what my aunt honestly thought I was doing. Then after she did and finished visiting my mom, she was told the truth. Uncle Aetius, Uncle Caderyn, Colt, Uncle Hayden – he created Maddy-, Uncle Cody, Aunt Lizzie, Uncle Connor, Aunt Meg, and Aunt Arti ...all of my parents closest friends were looking all over for me. Dad stayed to look after mom. Maddy did a great job last night then. I got a major lecture from everyone up in the Watch Tower because they didn't want mom to hear the lecturing. When I saw grandmother, I knew I was done for. There was no one on Earth scarier than her. Her lectures always seemed to be going on for hours. When I saw Grandfather, I wasn't that worried. He was like this sweet big giant teddy bear to me. Although, he did get in his few lectures too. Maddy was floating around in her stick figure form.
"You should go check on your mother" She stated.
"I don't think so" I replied throwing a miniature rubber ball up in the air and catching it in my hand.
"She has been asking for you all day" Maddy replied. The only reason mom wants to see me is to check on how much energy my gem has. It has enough to last me till I leave which will be in three hours when everyone is sleeping. Colt kept his distance after I was found. Man, can that boy hold a grudge or what? Unlike everyone else, Colt knew where I was last night. So I was surprised he didn't show up, until I realized he did. He just happened to arrive after I went chasing after Bart Allen. Maddie traced down his steps last night. Colt has this pocket chain I gave him one Christmas. He loved it and never takes it off. I think mainly because he had no clue I embedded a tracker on it so that I could track him whenever I wanted. I had a good reason for it too:
A. Just in case, a mission goes wrong. I could find him if he gets taken.
B. In case, I need him for something. Like errands.
C. Most importantly, if I need to avoid him or I happen to not want to deal with him some days.
I'm the worst. I know, but I can live with that. I mean three is pretty rare, but still sometimes, a girl needs her space especially on those strong life-sucking days. Although, I wasn't lying when I said there was ONE good reason, obviously B is the best reason there. Why should I struggle looking all over the place for him when I could easily use the tracker? If I need him, it'd obviously be for something important. An example of an important thing would be like if I ran out of Popsicles and I don't want to walk to the store by myself.
Young Justice Fanfiction: Meeting the Fallen Hero (completed)
Fanfic"Death is something that every hero has to accept. It's something some of us struggle to accept. It's something you want to prevent a fellow loved one or someone you care about to go through. The only thing is that you can try to cheat it and you...