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Tony Stark:
You woke up, screaming and shaking your head. You looked around your room, closed your eyes, feeling like something was in your room. "It's nothing, it's nothing" you whispered pulling the covers over your head, as you felt something touch your arm. You screamed as loud as you could, as you heard someone shushing you, as you felt the blanket being pulled off of you. You looked and saw your father, and you quickly wrapped your arms around him.

You burst into tears, shaking like a tree in a hurricane. "It's okay, you're okay, don't worry" Tony whispered, as you shook your head. Tony cupped your cheeks, as he wiped your tears with his thumbs. "It's only me!" Tony exclaimed as he smiled. "I'm not so scary, right?" Tony asked. "Sometimes" you muttered, as he squinted his eyes, and frowned.
"You better be joking" Tony muttered, as you giggled. He then started tickling you, and you forgot all about your nightmare.

Steve Rogers:
It was the middle of the night, and there was a huge rainstorm occurring. You had been fast asleep for hours now, so Steve was asleep in his room, until he heard a loud clang come from the other room. He shot up from bed, and grabbed his shield, and checked the living room, then the kitchen, and then your room. Right before he went to open the door, he anticipated for the worst, but when he opened your door, and turned the light on, and saw a glass of water knocked down, he sighed in relief.

But you were in bed, and tossing and turning, and Steve gently put his shield down, and walked over to your bed, and softly shook you, and you woke up, but quickly saw your dad, and wrapped your arms around him, tightly. He wrapped his arms around you, and sighed. "Are you okay?" He whispered as you shook your head. "I wanna stay with you" you mumbled, as he picked you up, and wrapped your blanket around you, and brought you to his room, and you slept very peacefully that night.

Bruce Banner:
You had been lying in bed, watching TV, terrified to fall back asleep because of a terrible nightmare you had. You then heard footsteps coming towards your room, and you shut the TV off, and pretended to be asleep. You heard the door open, and you closed your eyes, and heard your dad sigh in relief. He then shut the door, and you shot back up, and turned the TV back on.

Then, the door opened, and you sighed, as your dad was standing in the doorway, with his arms crossed. "(Y/N), why are you up? You have school tomorrow and it's pass your bedtime!" Bruce exclaimed, as you sighed. "B-But I had a bad dream, and I'm too scared to fall asleep!" You said, as Bruce smiled. He walked over to your bed, and knelt down, and looked at you. "It was only a dream, whatever you dreamed about wont hurt you, because it's only a thought" Bruce said, as you smiled, and he stayed with you, until you fell asleep.

Thor Odinson:
You were in bed, listening as the wind was pushing against your balcony doors. Since you were the daughter of Thor, you had to have probably the most extravagant things, such as a large bedroom, the most extravagant clothes, and of course, lots and lots of poptarts. But you were tossing and turning in bed all night, until you decided, to face away from your balcony, and close your eyes, until about 10 minutes later you woke up from a nightmare, and your balcony doors flying wide open.

You screamed as loud as you could, terrified for your life, as your father rushed into your room, holding mjölnir, and he quickly rushed over to you. He wrapped his arms around you, and sighed in relief, knowing that you were okay. You buried your head into his chest, as he dropped mjölnir, and embraced you as tight as he could. He picked you up, and shut your balcony doors, and carried you to his room, where you felt safe the whole night.

Peter Parker:
You were lying in your fathers bed, waiting for him to get back from saving New York City from whatever dangers were brought that night. You had woken up that night from a terrifying nightmare, and you didn't want anybody else, but your dad. You were wrapped up in his cozy comforters, and waiting patiently for him to get home, and once he did, you pretended to be asleep, and as he took off his Spider-Man suit, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of you asleep.

He got into bed, and felt your tiny arms wrap around him, and he smiled, and wrapped his arms around you, before kissing the top of your head, and you had to admit, you felt like the most safest person on earth that night.

Peter Quill:
You had fallen asleep on your fathers chest, after traveling and looking at the different planets and galaxies all day long. Your father had taken you to bed though, but once he laid you down, and left you alone for a split second, you had the most terrifying dream, and you sprang up, and started panting, and sweating. You then screamed 'Dad!' As loud as you could, and everyone rushed to your bedroom, and comforted you, until you fell asleep much more peacefully that night.

Clint Barton:
You were supposed to be fast asleep in bed right now, but instead, you were listening to a tree branch scratch your window, with every gust of window blowing against it. You had already woken up from a nightmare, and now this? To be honest, you were ready to jump out of bed, and just sleep with your parents, but you didn't want to, why? Well because you wanted to be just like your father! And what was your father? Well he was very brave! Brave indeed!

So, you stayed in bed, for a few more minutes, before getting up, and taking the most vicious weapon of all; your favourite stuffed animal. You quickly walked downstairs, and went into the kitchen. You threw your stuffed animal onto the counter, and opened the fridge, and got yourself a juice box, before hearing someone clear their throat, trying to get your attention. You screamed, and threw your stuffed animal, at the 'scary monster' which just turned out, to be your father.

"(Y/N), what are you doing up? It's 2:00 in the morning!" Your dad exclaimed, crossing his arms. "Well, I had a nightmare and there's a scary tree outside my window, and now, I can't sleep!" You exclaimed, as Clint sighed. "Alright, come on, you wanna sleep with mommy and I tonight?" Your father asked, as you nodded. He picked you up, and let's just say, that the next morning, the tree by your bedroom window disappeared! And also was used as firewood!

Nick Fury:
You were the daughter of Nick Fury! You rarely had nightmares! In fact, people had nightmares about you! But that all changed, when you had fallen asleep on the couch, while watching Frozen. You had a nightmare that you were Princess Anna, but nobody was helping you, and they just left you to freeze to death, and once you woke up, and explained the dream to your father, he has never wanted to remove all the cable boxes from the house so badly.

Phil Coulson:
You were sitting at your dining table, listening as your father explained his Captain America trading cards to you. He explained how he got them, where he got them, what condition they were in when he got them, and quite frankly, this could be a story to put a hyper bunny rabbit who had 20 cups of coffee to sleep, and that's exactly what happened to you, except 3 minutes later, you woke up from a nightmare of your dad screaming at you, and once you woke up, your father was not amused that you fell asleep right in the middle of his stories, so he decided to tell them, all over again.

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