When Friends Are Over

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Tony Stark:
It was spring break, and you were out of plans for the day, so you decided to invite some of your close friends over, and of course, since you knew them very well, of course they had met your father, and they would even tell people that their uncle was Tony Stark! But they were always afraid that if they ever got on your bad side, that the last thing they would see is their best friends father shooting a blue beam at them.

Steve Rogers:
It was the end of the school year, and it was the first day of summer. You were extremely bored, until you decided to text some of your friends, and asking them to come over. Of course, they all accepted, and this would be the first time they were meeting your dad. Of course, they were nervous because they were scared that they might make him angry, and he might pick them up and fling them to Singapore. But once they came over, and saw Captain America figuring out how to work an iPod, they weren't very scared of him after that.

Bruce Banner:
Your friends came over nearly ever single day! And they loved your dad! He was always so nice to them, and they respected him, and they say that he's the coolest dad ever! Of course, they're very afraid to get him angry, because of the other guy but other than that, they love comparing the things you and your dad both do, and they always say how you two are practically twins. Long story short, your friends and dad get along very well.

Thor Odinson:
Whenever you take trip to Midgard, you immediately hang out with your friends, and your father doesn't really understand what you and your friends discuss. He also doesn't understand Hotline Bling, and once, you and your friends were listening to it, and he asked "(Y/N), why isn't this person calling him on his cell phone?". Let's just say that your friends are very entertained by your fathers confusion.

Peter Parker:
You rarely hang out with your friends in front of your father, and when you do, you just go into your room. Though he's met one or two of your friends in the past, you still don't want to risk the Spider-Man secret to anyone, especially one of your friends. It's not that you don't trust them, you just want things to stay the same between you and your dad, so it's best to keep a secret, a secret.

Peter Quill:
You don't really hang out with anyone. Though you do travel the Galaxy, and make many friends, you still don't really like hanging out. You mostly just sit around your fathers ship, reading books that he brings you, or listening to his old cassette tapes. Though when you and Rocket are in the same, it gets quite intense, let's just say, he once threatened you, and you threatened him back, by saying you would use him as a soccer ball, which caused a whole lecture on what soccer was to Groot, Gamora and Drax.

Clint Barton:
When friends are over, your dad usually doesn't care, unless it's a boy. If it's a boy, Clint has Natasha and the rest of the Avengers on speed dial. But if it's just your normal close circle of friends, he usually says hi, and goes back to what he was doing. He enjoys knowing that you could have such a normal life, aside from your crazy one, from whenever he leaves for a mission, and you have that constant anxiety, that he won't make it back, but he loves knowing that you have a few friends to get your mind off of that.

Nick Fury:
Whenever you have friends over, you can only stay in the living room. Your father is very strict about a lot of things, and he hates other people going into your bedroom, so you and your friends are restrained to the living room, which gets on your nerves a bit, but you can deal with it, especially because you enjoy getting him angry, and seeing him furrowing his eyebrows, and making his eyepatch move up and down, and your friends totally love that your dad wears an eyepatch, and that his contact in your phone is "Pirate".

Phil Coulson:
Unless there's a boy over, your dad is comfortable with you having friends over, until they ask to see Lola, that's when your father starts freaking out, and you have to try and calm him down. But your dad loves the fact that you have friends over a lot, and he enjoys their jokes you all make, and he also enjoys the good energy they bring you, and he also loves that they admire his Captain America trading card collection.

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