Your First Word

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Tony Stark:
You were out with your dad, as he was running a few errands, and of course he had you with him, but of course him being Tony Stark, paparazzi was everywhere with him, taking pictures, shouting questions, and of course, you being a tiny child, didn't understand what they were doing, except for talking and taking pictures, so while your father had you on his hip, you shouted "pictures!" As loud as you could, as your father looked at you, and started laughing.

Steve Rogers:
You were sitting in your fathers lap, watching as he was playing Peek-a-Boo with you. Your father would cover his face, and you would squeal, and when he shouted "Peek-a-boo!" and removed his hands, you would start giggling. But when he covered his face, and you started squealing, he quickly uncovered his face, but when he tried to say peek-a-boo, you already beat him to it and said "Peek-a-Boo!" And he could t have laughed harder.

Bruce Banner:
Your father was spending all night trying to put you to sleep, but you kept waking up, and crying, so he was trying his hardest, for this to be the last time to put you to sleep. "Come on, (Y/N). Daddy wants to sleep!" Bruce exclaimed. You were trying so hard to say a word, that your lip started quivering and you finally shouted "No!" which took your father by surprise

Thor Odinson:
Your were sitting in a high chair, as your father tried to feed you, after many tries, he was looking a around for something else to feed you. Then something caught your attention; your fathers hammer. You started squealing and kicking your legs up and down, and when your father looked at what you were looking at, he chuckled. "Little one, you cannot have Mjölnir, you're too young!" He exclaimed, as you grew frustrated. "G-Gimme!" You exclaimed, as your father stopped what he was doing, and engulfed you in a giant hug.

Peter Parker:
Your father was in bed, exhausted from his long day of fighting, and you were laying right next to him, as his eyes were closing, and he was drifting off to sleep. But you got upset rather quickly, and scrunched your tiny hand into a fist, and gently hit your fathers arm. "Uppie!" You shouted, as your father groaned, but then realized that you just said your first word.

Peter Quill:
"Come on, say dada!" Your father exclaimed, as you were chewing on one of your many toys. "Da-da!" Your father sounded out, slowly, as Gamora looked at him. "Peter, leave her alone. She obviously isn't ready to say her first word!" Gamora said, as Peter sighed. "You're right Gamora" Peter mumbled, turning away and hearing a little voice shout "Gamora!" Your father turned, and looked at you as you smiled, and Gamora picked you up. "I was wrong! She was ready to say her first word! She picked a great one too!" Gamora exclaimed, as Peter groaned.

Clint Barton:
Your mother was out, running errands, and leaving your father in charge to watch you, and his idea of watching you, was him practicing outside, with your playpen right next to him, and he was also humming the SpongeBob theme song. "Do you see what you're doing to me? I'm humming the theme song for a show about a sponge who lives in a pineapple underwater" Clint muttered, as you looked at him, and mumbled a quiet little "Sorry". And he quickly dropped his bow, and looked at you, as you looked at him.

Nick Fury:
You were being watched by Maria Hill at the time, and she was playing the 'very fun' booping game, which involved Maria poking your nose and saying "Boop!" and she noticed that it was quite entertaining to you, but once your father came to get you, and you were in his arms, you poked his nose and shouted "Boop!".

Phil Coulson:
You were sitting on the couch, staring at the TV, as your father was filling out a mission report. You suddenly felt the urge to want your father, so you started to whimper, but he just shushed you. You tried again, and he shushed you again, but he didn't shush you when you shouted "Da!", instead he stopped what he was doing and looked at you, as you were giggling, and clapping.

Scott Lang:
Your father was playing with you, bringing one of your favorite stuffed animals towards you, but when you went to grab it, your father would quickly raise it, and make sure that you couldn't reach it, and you would stand, and try to grab it, but you were just too tiny. Then, you finally grew tired of the game, and when your father raised the stuffed animal, you shouted "Stop!" At the top of your lungs, and he started laughing, and you got your stuffed animal back.

Loki Laufeyson:
You were lying in your crib, half asleep, and making cute little baby noises. Your father came over to you, and rubbed the top of your head with his thumb, and he was holding a book under his arms. You suddenly started whimpering, and pointing to the book, as your father grew confused. "Do you want me to read to you?" Loki asked, as you pointed, and shouted "Read!" And your father laughed, and read you the book he had in his arms, and you shortly fell asleep.

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