Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier Catch Up

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When You're Bored:
Whenever you're bored, you set your living room up with pillows, blankets, basically whatever you can find, and you make a huge fort! Your dad always walks in on you in the middle of making it, and he always asks you if he can join and of course you always reply with a loud a bubbly "Of course!" And you always end up making the best forts ever.

You were quite young at the time, all tucked into bed, cuddling with your favourite stuffed animal, with a soft glowing nightlight in the corner of the room, causing gentle silhouettes of the toys that were scattered around your room. Your father had left your bedroom door open just a little bit, so when his sleepless nights were bad, he could always walk past your room, and make sure nothing bad was happening to you.

But this was one of his sleepless nights, he was tossing and turning in bed, throwing the pillows and blankets onto the floor, dusting them off and picking them up again, only to throw them back on the floor. He then laid in bed, no blankets, no pillows, only in a tee shirt, and a pair of grey sweatpants. He then shot up when he heard you cry from your room. He quickly ran, and saw you sitting with your legs crossed, and the blanket covering your body. He kneeled down next to you, and tightly wrapped his arms around your fragile body.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" He asked, wiping a tear away, with his thumb, as you sniffled, and took in a large breath. "I-I had a bad dream" you mumbled softly, as you glanced at your feet, but then felt your father pick you up, and swaddle you in your blankets. "Wanna sleep with me tonight?" He asked, as you nodded and that immediately caused him to release a giant grin, and you both got a lot of sleep that night.

First Birthday:
For your first birthday, your father made sure to spend every second with you. From the minute you woke up, to the minute you fell asleep, he took pictures of you napping, eating a huge slice of cake with you tiny bare hands, and when Steve came over to celebrate your birthday too, he even got pictures of Steve walking through the door...

What Kind Of Parent They Are:
He is a very overprotective parent, for sure. When you're both out in public, no matter what age, you've always had to hold his hand and stay near him, and if you wandered off or he just accidentally lost 1.5 seconds of sight of you, he would freak out, but only because he didn't want anything bad happening to you.

When Friends Are Over:
Whenever you bring friends over, your father is always entertained by the things you guys do and say, and your friends always tell you that your dad is cool, and that is metal arm is awesome and your father always hears, and well he kind of gives himself a pat on the back.

When You're Sick:
When you're sick your father is always comforting you, and checking up on you 24/7. He always fluffs up your pillow, tucks you in, and even lets you eat food in your room! I mean, YOLO am I right? But, your dad takes very good care of you when your sick, and he'll even let you stay up until 2:00 in the morning watching TV!

When He Gets Overprotective:
It was a beautiful spring day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and you were sitting in your fathers lap, colouring in a Disney princess colouring book. You were 4 years old at the moment, so you didn't really know which colours go where, and you ending up colouring Cinderella's dress with a green marker, and her hair in with a purple marker. You were enjoying your colouring, until your Uncle Steve interrupted it.

"Buck, it's a beautiful day out! Why don't you take her to the park?" Steve asked, crossing his arms. Bucky looked up at him with a frown. "Because, parks have people, and people are bad" your father responded calmly, as Steve bit his bottom lip. "I know you're afraid of people hurting her, but you can't isolate her from the world forever! Let's just take her to the park, so she can experience the rare weather!" Steve exclaimed, as your father sighed, and you looked at both of them, with a big smile plastered onto your face.

Once you got to the park, your father followed you around everywhere, you couldn't wander 3 inches without him having to trail behind you. Of course Steve was well aware of this, and soon enough, your father picked you up, and told Steve that you were going back home, and Steve followed behind muttering, "I cannot wait till her first day of school".

How He Embarrassed You:
He was in the store once, and bought a pair of pink diamond studded sunglasses, and now whenever he's dropping you off at school, he always wears them, and whenever you tell him to stop wearing them because of the colour, he always shouts "it's not pink, it's salmon!"

When They Meet Your Boyfriend:
He was quite nervous, because he wasn't sure to be happy, mad or sad. Happy, because his little girl found someone. Mad, because if he breaks your heart he's going to go full winter soldier on him. And sad, because you're growing up. But once you introduced them to each other, your father just smiled, trying to hide his emotions from getting the best of him.

Your First Word:
You were watching a weird baby show, that you refused to have changed because if your father even tried to pick up the remote, you would start squealing and throwing a tantrum. But your Uncle Steve happened to be over, and talking to your father. He was telling him something, and then you started shouting "Ducky!" And your father rushed into the living room, and smiled at you, and you kept calling him Ducky for 3 months, and he had to have everyone call him 'Dad' so you could understand that he's Daddy, and not Ducky.

You Get In Trouble:
You were 7 years old, and your father just bought you stickers, markers,  and crayons for you. But after a while of colouring, and sticking random stickers on pieces of construction paper, you decided to have a little fun, and write your fathers name and stick stickers all over both of your fathers' arms, while he was napping on the couch.

He woke up to you giggling quite loudly, and saw you towering over him, with the last of the stickers in your hand. "(Y/N), what are you doing?!" He shouted, as your eyes widened, and you screamed and ran into your bedroom, and got a long lecture on why it's mean to mess with daddy while he's sleeping.

Things About You That Make Him Happy:
When something dramatic happens in a TV show:
He loves the way you scream at the TV and at the characters like they can hear you, because the things you say make him laugh hysterically. He also knows that you never curse in front of him, but when you're really frustrated, you make up funny words to replace the curse words, and those always make him laugh too.

How He Disciplines You:
He makes you clean his metal arm. He makes you clean every single part, and every single crevice, while telling him every single amendment, and branch of government and what the branches mean, and if you mess up, then you need to start all over.

Your Nickname For Him:

His Nickname For You:

His Contact In Your Phone:
The Awesomest Greatamatistic Dad

Your Contact In His Phone:
My Daughter

How He Puts You To Sleep:
He usually tucks you in tightly, and tells you multiple bedtime stories, while you rest your head against his arms, and he quietly watches you fall asleep while reading you a bedtime story.

How You Embarrassed Him:
You told everyone that he watches My Little Pony, and that his favourite is Pinkie Pie and that he dresses up like her when there is a new episode of MLP.

What You Get In Trouble For:
Detaching his metal arm, and running around shouting 'THIS IS SPARTA!'

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