Steve Rogers Imagine

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It was a bright and sunny Wednesday morning. You were awake, and watching TV, while your father was making breakfast. Your father looked at you, before sighing. "(Y/N), I need some advice" your father said, as you looked at him. "If it's advice on how to dance, the Wii's at Best Buy are really cheap and you can buy Just Dance" you said. Your father sighed. "No, not that" he muttered, crossing his arms as you shrugged. "There's always YouTube" you muttered, as he scoffed. "No, I mean I need some- you know I could always ask Tony" your father said, turning around, and you gasped.

"Ask Tony what? Were you going to ask me advice on-"
"Here it comes.." Your father mumbled.
"DATING?!" You exclaimed, as Steve rushed into the living room with a smile, shushing you.
"Oh my god, you were! Dad, it's okay to come to me with this! But why would you go to Tony? He's had more one night stands than I have had good math test grades" you muttered, as your father sighed, and laughed.

"So, who is it?" You asked, as he bit his bottom lip, and looked at you. "Is it Natasha?" You smiled, as he scoffed. "What? No!" He shouted, as you groaned. "Okay. The nurse from down the hall?" You asked, as his face turned a bright red and you gasped. "You do! Aww dad!" You exclaimed, as he sighed. "C-Can you not say it so lou-"
"Dad! You have a crush! Of course I'm going to say it loud! It's adorable!" You shouted, as he stood up, and started walking away from you.

"Wait, dad! I wanna give you advice!" You shouted, standing up, and laughing. "Nope!" He shouted, as you flopped back onto the couch and groaned. "And get ready for school!" He shouted, as you groaned, and curled up into a ball, and your father walked in, and chuckled. "I can see you" he said as you sat up. "I know" you smiled, walking to your room, and getting ready for school.

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