They Find You Crying

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Tony Stark:
You've always been the type of person to channel your emotions, and make everyone believe that you're happy, with a happy and hyper façade. Your father always thought that you were just a happy kid, who didn't feel sad at anytime, but after a long and terrible day at school, when you came home, instead of greeting him with a happy and cheery voice and a big smile, you completely ignored him, threw your backpack on the floor, and stormed off to your room. Your father was confused of your actions, and saw you broken down into tears, and he immediately rushed over to you, and held you in his arms, as long as you wanted him to.

Steve Rogers:
Your father always knows what to do when your upset, because you never normally cry. But after some kid in school called you something that stuck with you for the whole day, you acted like it was just a stupid comment made by a stupid person, but it hurt you, and after that you just wanted to go home, do your homework and get the day over with. But by the time you got home, your father asked you how your day went, and you just hugged him and broke into tears, and cried into his torso, and he comforted you, and tried to make you as happy as possible.

Bruce Banner:
You never cried about anything. Plain and simple. And if you did, it had to be something that was very close to you. One day, you were talking to Tony in the lab, fooling around, throwing crumbled paper at each other, before you went to go and finish one of the most hardest researches ever. You had put all your effort into it, gathered so many details, and you were holding your laptop, then you tripped on a piece of paper, and your laptop shattered right in front of your face, a piece of glass from the screen cut your cheek, and you were never so angry and upset at the same time. Tony of course was trying to get you to calm down, but when your father walked past the lab, and saw you hunched over the floor with Tony patting your back, he immediately rushed in, and Tony filled him in on the situation, and your father wrapped his arms around you tightly, and cleaned the small cut that was on your cheek, and calmed you down.

Thor Odinson:
You always cried in front of your father. He would always try and make you feel better whenever you did, but the one time you didn't go to you father, was when you were watching a sad movie, that made you think a lot, and it overwhelmed you, and you just broke into sobs, and your father heard you and rushed into your room, shouting questions and asking why you were crying, and if he had to smash anyone's head with Mjölnir.

Peter Parker:
Your father is always there for you when you cry. No matter what, he'll always hug you and make you feel better. But after just being in a bad mood all day, and getting angry at your friends for no reason, you just broke down emotionally, and cried. You couldn't channel anything in, and you let it all out, and your father was with you every second, telling you it was going to be okay.

Peter Quill:
You were always a strong kid, plain and simple. You've learned to handle nonsense from Rocket calling you names and taunting you from day one. But when you were with your father, trying to help someone from getting mugged, you tried to act quickly and hurt the guy, but the person you were trying to save ended up getting hurt, and so did you, and you were very upset after that, and you wouldn't talk to anyone. You wouldn't even reply to Rockets rude comments. Your father found that strange, and decided to ask you what's wrong, and you burst into tears, and told him that you weren't fit to be a hero, like him. Everyone on the ship was sneaking up on you both, listening to the conversation, and your father told you that you would both work on your fighting skills, and that you'll always be a hero.

Clint Barton:
You were never really much of a crier with Clint. Your siblings cried like hell, but you were a quiet kid. That didn't mean you didn't cry though. Sure, you're a touch cookie, but after studying for 4 hours for a test that you desperately needed to pass, you grew highly frustrated, and didn't know how to express your emotions. You kept it all bubbling inside of you, and when your father went to tell you to turn your lights out for the 4th time, he found you under your covers with a textbook and a flashlight, with tears streaming down your face. You explained to him that you were just stressed out, and he understood, and told you everything was going to be okay, and that you'll be fine and he stayed with you for the whole entire night, and even though you were a teenager, you still cuddled with him.

Nick Fury:
Your father has only seen you cry as a toddler, never as an adult. But you did have your limits with the amount of things he said to you. Of course he's your father, and he makes jokes and so do you, but you're the directors daughter and of course he's going to push you to be stronger than everybody else, but you just couldn't handle it, and you started to argue with him, and you both threw across hurtful words, but you soon just couldn't take it anymore, and a few tears streamed down your face, and that's when your father knew to go easy on you for a little while.

Phil Coulson:
Your father hates seeing you cry. You rarely cry, but when you do, it's usually because you feel as if you disappointed your father. When you were training to become a higher ranking as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you failed one of the tasks because you were up the night before, studying. Your father caught a few tears slip out of your eye, and he helped calm you down.

Scott Lang:
The only time your father has seen you cry was when your parents split. He thought he could never see so many tears come out of one human body. But when you were stressed out over exams, and just broke into tears, he wrapped you in a tight hug, and didn't let you go for about another hour or two.

Loki Laufeyson:
Whenever you're upset, your father makes sure that nobody but him is allowed near you. Especially when you're crying. When you're crying, he becomes mushy, and you always cuddle with him, and he'll read you your favourite book, and even read picture books with you.

Bucky Barnes:
Your father hates seeing you upset. It's his worst fear to see you hurt, and when you told him about a teacher who gave you an attitude, and was mistreating you and calling you out in front of the class, you told him, and broke into tears, and watching you broke his heart. He tried to do everything he could to make you happy, and if that meant getting the teacher fired, that's what he did.

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