When There's a Bug

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Tony Stark:
"Dad there's a bee on your back!" You shouted, picking up a rolled up magazine and slapping your fathers back, as he fell on the floor, yelling at you to stop. When you saw the bee was dead, you threw the magazine away, and sighed in relief. "Ow!" He shouted, getting off of the floor, and looking at you. "At least you didn't get stung by a bee!" You exclaimed, flashing him a wide grin.

Steve Rogers:
"Dad there's a spider!" You shouted, grabbing one of his shoes and trying to smack the bug, before he took his shoe out of your hand, and killed the bug for you. "You could've broken something, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed, throwing his shoe on the floor and crossing his arms. "The only think I was breaking, was that spider!" You said, as he smiled and let out a small laugh.

Bruce Banner:
"Dad! Spider!" You cried, running away from the tiny insect that brought no harm upon you. Your father sighed, and cupped the bug with his hands, and flung the spider outside. He never believed in killing something as tiny as a spider, so whenever there was a bug, he'd try to release it back outside, until you try and kill it with a screwdriver.

Thor Odinson:
"Dad! There's a cricket!" You shouted, as you picked Mjölnir up, and smashed it against the insect and your father gasped. "You cannot use Mjölnir for such childish things!" He exclaimed, taking his beloved hammer out of your hands. "But, it could've reproduced and made more crickets" you frowned, before your father sent you off to your room.

Peter Parker:
(Forgive me)
"Ahh, spider!" You cried, slamming your hand against the wall, and quickly wiping the remains off of your hand, as your father stood in the doorway, with a terrified look on his face. Your eyes widened, realizing what you've done.

Peter Quill:
"Dad! There's a bug!" You shouted, looking at your father as he sighed. "Are you kidding me? You're scared of a little bug?" Rocket asked, as you nodded. "She has a right to be scared, that thing is huge, and I'm not killing it!" Your father shouted, running away from the insect crawling on the wall. "You're a bunch of babies, you know that?" Rocket muttered, pushing you onto the floor and taking your shoe off, before slamming your shoe against the bug. Rocket threw your shoe onto your chest, and walked away from you, muttering words your were very thankful you didn't hear.

Clint Barton:
"Dad! There's a cricket in my room!" You shouted, running down your stairs and screaming. He was sitting on the couch, relaxing, before you jumped into his lap and sobbed. "You're crying over a cricket?" He asked. "It's really big and making weird noises, dad kill it!" You cried, shaking his arm. He sighed, and pushed you onto the couch and went up to your room to kill the insect. He came back down with a tissue, and threw it at you. You screamed when the dead cricket landing right onto your lap, and you ran around the house screaming, as Clint sat on the couch. "That's what she gets for bothering me over a damn cricket" he muttered, laying in the couch and closing his eyes.

Nick Fury:
"Dad, look out! Bee!" You shouted, pulling his gun from his holster, and firing the weapon at the flying insect. Every agent took cover, before your father ripped his gun out of your hands and smacked your arm. "Haven't you every heard of leaving the bug alone?!" You father shouted. "But if I do, a person who's allergic to bee stings could die if that bee stung them. I just saved a persons life, think about that" you said, as he sighed and gave an 'all-clear' to the agents so they could get out of their cover positions.

Phil Coulson:
"There's a spider! Dad!" You cried, shooing the bug off of your homework. Your father just picked the tiny bug up, and threw it outside. "Thank you" you said, going back to doing your homework.

Scott Lang:
(I did it again)
"Dad! Why are there ants in the cupboard?!" You shouted, as you opened the cupboard for a snack, and ended up seeing a colony of ants living right next to a box of Lucky Charms. "That's where they like to nap, (Y/N)! You're not the only one who gets tired, you know!" Your father shouted back.

Loki Laufeyson:
"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"
"But it's just a-"
"Kill it!"
"(Y/N) it's-"
"It's fake (Y/N)! It's plastic!"
"You just got pranked" your father murmured, walking away from you with his plastic spider in hand, and laughing.

Bucky Barnes:
"Dad!" You cried, running out of your room and running into his. "What's wrong? Is there someone in the house?" He asked, waking up as you shook your head. "There's a really big spider in my room!" You cried, jumping onto his bed. He sighed and grabbed a rolled up newspaper and took care of the spider, before coming back into his room. "Go back to bed" he groggily mumbled. "What if there's another one?" You asked. "Go!" He shouted, as you groaned and walked back to bed.

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