Favourite Movie To Watch Together

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Tony Stark:
The Iron Giant:
You both love to watch that movie. Not because he's Iron Man and it's The Iron Giant, okay wait maybe a little, but because that movie makes you both smile, and your father always jokes around and asks you "Should I make a suit like that?" whenever the Iron Giant appears in the movie

Steve Rogers:
the Nightmare Before Christmas:
You both adore this movie, not only for the music and the absolute goals between Sally and Jack, but because of the unique way it was made. When you explained to your father was claymation was, he freaked and said it was, and I quote, 'the coolest thing since he found out what an iPhone was'.

Bruce Banner:
Surf's Up:
No matter how many times your father tells you, he will always inform you that it is physiologically impossible for penguins to surf, and since Shia LaBeouf is in that movie, you always tell him "Well what if the Penguins, JUST DO IT"

Thor Odinson:
Dolphin Tale:
Your father has never seen a dolphin, nor has he discovered that prosthetics can be used for marine life too. He became highly interested with dolphins, and had his little dolphin fetish for a while. But when he first watched it with you, he asked if Tony had made the prosthetic for the dolphin...

Peter Parker:
The Good Dinosaur:
You both don't understand why you like this movie so much. It's just an addicting movie, and Spot is adorable. Plain and simple. But your father says that he only watches the movie with you, but when you're not around, he'll start watching the movie, to be 'rebellious'.

Peter Quill:
Dirty Dancing:
Your father has had this movie on VCR the minute it came out, and you two love watching it together. You know every line, and you two even tried the jumping part in the dance Baby and Johnny had, and you almost went through a window if it wasn't for Drax catching you.

Clint Barton:
The Lego Movie:
He hates this movie. Plain and simple. You and your siblings all enjoy it, but he hates it. He liked it when he first watched it with you, but every since you taught your siblings the 'Everything Is Awesome' song, he flipped out. Now whenever he comes home, there you all are singing 'Everything Is Awesome'.

Nick Fury:
Pitch Perfect:
Your father hates this movie, but you memorised every word to it, so when he's trying to rest, you always put this movie on, and when he starts complaining you always shout "Can you please get your head out of your ass, it's not a hat!" But he'll always make you start running laps, and you'll scream "I'm vertical running!"

Phil Coulson:
Inside Out:
The minute this movie was out on DVD, your father bought it, and you both watched it together. You enjoyed it, but your father started crying towards the end, and hugged you and said "Please don't grow up on me, I want you to stay little forever" and you just patted his head, and nodded.

Scott Lang:
Identity Thief:
You and your father love this movie for one thing; Melissa McCarthy. And also the fact that it's hysterical! You and your father watch this movie almost all the time, and when your done, you play more Melissa McCarthy movies, until you both fall asleep.

Loki Laufeyson:
Emperors New Groove:
He highly enjoys this movie, not only because of a talking llama, but because you love to make jokes that he's the make Yzma, and he always mutters under his breath with a smirk "Oh how I would love to turn your uncle into a llama".

Bucky Barnes:
The Book Of Life:
Your father loves this movie, and he loves watching it with you, because you remind him of the female character, Maria, because you're both brave and always tend to say what's on your mind. He also loves the pig, Chewy, and he secretly wants to get a baby pig now.

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