Clint Barton Imagine

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With Clint Barton as a father, you knew how much he traveled, and how much he was never home, but when he came home, that was the best part. He would always run up to your room, and wrap you in a huge hug, and watch television with you, but once your siblings were born, of course he would hug them too, but you would still sit on the couch for hours, just watch TV and bickering about which characters you hated or liked.

But it was all different, when he came home with a little bit of visitors. You were up in your room at the time, doing homework, and hearing your brother Cooper, and your sister Lila, both playing with each other, but then you heard that usual voice who would shout "Honey, I'm home!" And you smirked to yourself, and spun in your chair that spins, towards the door, waiting for your father to come in. You waited. Nothing. You frowned, and kept waiting. Nothing. Your siblings both rushed downstairs, but you didn't, until you heard someone run up the stairs, and you smiled.

"(Y/N), dads home! And there's superheroes here! And Auntie Nat!"Cooper shouted, before running downstairs. You sighed, and threw your pencil on your desk, before walking downstairs, and seeing, Captain America, Thor, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and your Aunt Nat, all standing in your living room. "Jesus Barton, are there more?" Tony asked. Your father chuckled. "This is (Y/N)" your dad said, as you bit your bottom lip, and waved.

Your father hugged you as tight as possible, and you smiled, before your brother and sister started telling your dad, every single thing they did in school, which caused you to migrate back up to your room, and continue on doing your homework. About an hour later to heard a knock on your door, and you turned to see your mother standing in the doorway, with her arms crossed. "You okay? You seem down" your mother said. You shrugged.

"I'm fine, just studying for. . . science" you said, as your mother frowned. "Is it the guests your father brought? Because it totally wasn't my idea" your mother said as you sighed. "No, it's just I feel like I never see dad anymore, and I feel like I'm basically growing up without a dad" you said. She frowned. "Honey, you aren't growing up without a dad! You know that your dad loves you, and he would give up his whole world for you!" Your mother exclaimed, as you smiled.

Once you were done with all of your homework, and everyone ate, and your siblings were in bed, your father was getting changed, and your mother knew that she had to talk to him. "Clint, can we talk?" She asked. "Yeah" he said. "It's about (Y/N)" she said, as Clint frowned. "What about her? Is she okay?" Clint asked, hesitantly, your mother nodded. "She is, but she's just feeling sad because, you're away a lot and you're spending a lot of time with Cooper and Lila and she just feels left out, you know?" Your mom said, as Clint sighed. "I'm gonna go talk to her" your father said, walking to your room, and knocking on the door.

"Come in!" You exclaimed, closing your book, as you looked at your father. "Hey princess" your father said, shutting the door, and sitting on the edge of your bed. "You haven't called me princess since I was like, 8" you said, as he smiled. "Well, you've always been my little princess" he said, as you smiled. "So, what do you need?" You asked, as he sighed. "I wanna talk, about me always being gone" your father said, as you nodded. "I know I'm always gone all the time, and I'm always spending time with your brother and sister, but now we're gonna have daddy daughter time again, and start hanging out more, okay?" Your father asked. You smiled. "Okay" you said as he sighed, and hugged you. "Alright, now go to bed, I don't want your mother yelling at me that I'm keeping you up" your father said, as you chuckled, and once he left the room, you fell asleep very happily that night.

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