You Get In Trouble

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Tony Stark:
You were young at the time, around 7 years old and it was just a normal day. You had just been put down for a nap, Tony was fixing one of his suits, and Pepper wasn't going to be home until later. But the one time Tony would come upstairs when he's doing something, was to either get a drink, or get a snack, and when he did, he stepped in a puddle of melted ice cream. Tony looked down, and frowned. "What?" Tony asked himself.

He then saw a trail of ice cream, leading to your bedroom, and his eyes widened. He quickly ran into your room, and saw you, sitting on your bed with a tub of ice cream, but the ice cream was everywhere, from your floor, to your bed, to your face. "(Y/N), what are you doing?!" Your father shouted as you frowned. "I wanted ice cream, but then it spilled! I was gonna clean it up!" You exclaimed, your father sighed, and tried his hardest to get you and the house cleaned up.

Steve Rogers:
You were in school, quietly doing your work, before you felt a piece of paper being thrown at you. You turned around, and saw two boys laughing quietly, before you politely said "Please don't do that" and they then apologized, and you went back to your work. But right before you went to write something down, you felt another piece of paper hit the back of your head, and you turned around and punched the boy who threw the paper at you, and you sent him straight to the ground.

But once your father got called to the school, you had never been scolded by your father so much. Once he took you home, he was sitting on the couch, staring at you, and you stared right back at him. "Do you have anything you'd like to say?" Your father asked. "It was a great punch" you said. He frowned. "That's not what I meant" he said. "I bet Fury would be proud" you said. Your father face palmed, and pointed to the direction your bedroom was in. You nodded, and walked to your room, and shut the door, having no regrets.

Bruce Banner:
You knew how much your father worked, and you also knew that he worked too hard at some point. And you just wanted to have a little fun with him, so when you found him dead asleep on the living room couch, you got one of your many washable markers, and started drawing on your fathers face. You drew flowers, and even a few hearts on his face, and then quickly ran to your room, pretending to do homework.

Suddenly, you heard your door open, and you saw your father, 3.5 seconds to hulking out. "(Y/N)? What is on my face?" Your father asked. You shrugged. "I don't know, it looks like marker" you said, as he bit his bottom lip, and sighed. "You're grounded" he said. You gasped. "What?! At least be thankful that it's washable! If I was with Tony he would've insisted I use permanent marker!" You exclaimed, as your father slammer your door, and you threw your head back and groaned.

Thor Odinson:
You were around 5 years old, and you had the best day you could possibly imagine! You got to play with your father all day, you got to eat candy, and eat basically whatever you want! But there's that one part of the day that every daughter of a Norse god hates; bedtime. You were kicking and screaming and begging your father not to go to bed, but he just tucked you in, gave you a kiss on the forehead, and left the room for you to fall asleep. But you didn't, you got up, and started walking around your bedroom, and playing with the different toys in your room, and when your father heard rumbling and chittering from his room, he came to check on you, and saw you playing, instead of sleeping.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing? You're supposed to be asleep?" Your father said. You frowned. "But I can't! I don't like the dark! And I don't feel like falling asleep!" You exclaimed. Your father crossed his big arms, and furrowed his eyebrows. "(Y/N), you will go to bed this instant!" Thor exclaimed. You shook your head. "(Y/N), don't make me. . . What did Jane recommended again? Ah, yes! (Y/N), don't make me count to 3!" Your father said. Let's just say, when he counted to 3, things weren't pretty. Lots and lots of running around, and screaming was involved.

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