Loki Laufeyson Imagine

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Being the daughter of the God of Mischief has its ups and downs. A downfall being, he's not very welcomed to Earth after what he did to Manhattan. Though he has his disguises, he will never truly be welcomed back to Earth. That's why whenever he visits, he has to stay in Avengers Tower and take in the sights from the top of the building. It's not much to see, but he enjoys his privacy when Tony isn't calling him names or Thor brags about how he's big and strong, and Loki is just Loki.

Your father wasn't very happy when you told him you wanted to live on Earth, and he would always tell you the Midgardians are nothing but imbeciles. You never believed him, and you wanted to see Earth. Of course, you would miss Asgard and even your father, but this was what you wanted to do, you wanted to travel to a place where people see lots of evil, but you wanted to prove them wrong, and show them, it's not all evil.

You were very excited to meet Thor's friends that he'd always talk about when he arrived back on Asgard after a long trip to Earth. He would always bring back the most vivid stories, and delicious poptarts. Though Loki would say they weren't healthy for you, you didn't care, and ate them with your uncle anyway.

The minute you left Asgard, and entered Earth, you were amazed at everything around you. It was your first time seeing cars, hearing lots of chatter amongst the streets, and even seeing cellphones. Your uncle could tell you were excited, and you were in awe with all the lights surrounding you. "Now (Y/N), this, is what the Midgardians call New York City" Thor said, as you looked all around you, making sure not to bump into people.

"It's amazing! This is so much cooler than Asgard!" You exclaimed, some people from the streets fanning their eyes towards you, but shrugged it off and went back to their original activities. "How is Grandma and Grandpa handling me living on Midgard?" You asked, looking at your Uncle as you both walked through the sidewalk.

"Frigga isn't handling it very well, and Odin is still wondering why you would make such a decision" Thor said, leading you towards Avengers Tower. As you walked in, you saw your father scolding the both of you, with his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed. "Why such a displeased look, father?" You asked walking towards him. He relaxed his tense arms, as you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a tight hug.

"You know I don't like you going to places alone. Especially here! There are some very dangerous people" Your father said, placing his hands on your shoulders. "But I didn't go alone, father. I went with Uncle Thor" you smiled, as Loki raised an eyebrow, looked at his brother and then back at you. "You're better off wandering the city with a blind dog, (Y/N)" Loki spoke, as Thor grumbled and walked to the elevator, both you and Loki following him.

"So, why must I stay in Avengers Tower?" You asked, looking at your father and uncle. "Well, you need to get your life set up and started here on Midgard. Tony shall get everything done for you very fast and efficient, and you can start your life in no time" Thor smiled. You nodded, and felt the elevator jolt to a stop, before the doors opened, reveling a large living area.

You gasped at the sight, and saw a group of people all sitting together on a couch. "I mean, she has to be a little mean. Her father invaded Manhattan! And he threw me out of a window!" You heard someone loudly exclaim, before a woman with red hair smacked his arm, and pointed to the opened elevator. Everyone turned their heads, staring at you and gasping.

"Everyone, this is my niece. Princess (Y/N) Lokidottir of Asgard!" Thor exclaimed, leading you out of the elevator. "Hello" you spoke softly, as everyone rose from their seats and smiled. "(Y/N) this is Tony, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Bruce, Vision and- Where's Steve and Bucky?" Thor asked, as Tony sighed. "Bucky refuses to leave his room, and Steve is trying to get him out" Tony said, before standing up, and shaking your hand.

"Tony Stark, nice to meet you," he spoke fast and placed a kiss onto your hand "now about your skin, how do you get it to glow like that? Is there some sort of Asgardian facial cream you guys use over there, or is it just because you're a goddess" Tony asked, as Loki pushed him away, and scowled at him. Tony quickly backed off and crossed his arms.

"(Y/N), might I say, it is a pleasure meeting you. As Mr. Stark addressed, your skin is very admirable" Vision spoke, as your eyes widened and you laughed awkwardly. "T-Thank you?" You quietly said, as Natasha placed a hand on your shoulder. "Why don't I give you a tour? You're going to be staying here for a while, might as well know where everything is, right?" She asked, as you nodded. "That would be lovely, thank you" you smiled, as she guided you out of the living area.

After a week of living at the Avengers Tower, you could only imagine the taste of freedom you'd have with living on your own. You wanted the feeling of responsibility in your life, since you grew up with people doing most things for you. You and Wanda grew relatively close, and she was helping you grow adjusted to the different appliances used on Midgard.

"So, what do you think of Midgard?" Wanda asked. You shrugged and let out a small smile. "It's quite marvelous. It's nothing like I've ever experienced on Asgard, though" you spoke softly, helping Wanda put away the groceries that you both bought together. "Asgard sounds amazing, it must be like a dream to live there" Wanda said, putting things away into the cupboard.

"You get bored of it, very quickly" you said, as Wanda gasped. "Really?" She asked, genuinely surprised. You nodded, and smiled at the thought of being back on Asgard. You could both hear a sudden argument, coming closer to you both. The two voices were growing louder, and you saw Steve and Bucky emerge into the kitchen.

"You haven't eaten anything all week, Buck! I have the right to be worried!" Steve shouted at his friend, as Wanda pulled you away from the argument occurring. "I just haven't been hungry, there's no need to be worried" Bucky muttered, flashing a quick glance at you. His cheeks turned a light pink, before bowing his head and picked up a fresh apple.

After the week of living at Avengers Tower, you've only met Bucky four times, this time being the fourth. You were quite intrigued with his mysterious persona he portrayed, and you wanted to know more about him. Though his metal arm was still confusing at first, you were aroused at everything about him. His scruffy beard, husky voice and his striking blue eyes.

He took quite a liking to you too. The minute he met you, his heart raced at a speed he hadn't felt since the night before he shipped off into war. Even then, he didn't feel the exact way he felt when coming in contact with you. He tried to find any moment he could just so he could talk to you, just so he could hear your accent that he had grown to love.

A few days later, you came in contact with Bucky, when you were reading one of the many books Bruce has let you borrow. You were currently reading a thick book filled with all the Sherlock Holmes stories, and you were just finishing The Beryl Coronet, when Bucky sat next to you. "Whatcha readin'?" He asked, as you looked at him, and flashed a smirk. "Sherlock Holmes, Bruce let me borrow some stories and I'm trying to finish them all. I don't want to seem like a book hoarder" you spoke softly, as Bucky smiled.

"I don't think Bruce would mind, he would understand" Bucky said as you gently closed your book, and looked at him. "May I ask you something?" You quietly asked, placing the book onto your lap. Bucky nodded, turning to face you. "What happened to your arm?" You asked. Bucky tensed at the question, not knowing how to respond.

"I-In an accident. I fell." He said, obviously uncomfortable at the question. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable in any way, I apologize" you said, as he shook his head. "Don't worry about it, it was going to be asked sooner or later" Bucky spoke. "It wasn't easy adjusting to everything. One day you wake up thinking you're younger than you really are, then it turns out you're really 99 years old" Bucky smiled, making you laugh.

"You'd be much older, on Asgard" you said, as he crossed his arms. "How old are you?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you'd like to find out?" You asked. Bucky nodded, waiting for you to answer. "I'm around 200 years of age" you said, as Bucky's eyes widened.

"Wow, I see I lost at the age competition" Bucky muttered, as you laughed. "You would've won a medal for effort" you patted his back, as you both looked deep into each other's eyes. The next few seconds took you by surprise, as Bucky's lips attached to yours like a magnet. You were taken by ultimate surprise at first, but once you pulled away to catch your breath, you looked at him and smiled. "Are you sure you want to feel the wrath of my father? He's not very good with me dating" you said as Bucky shrugged. "It's worth it" he said, before attaching his lips back onto yours.

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