Tony Stark Imagine

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(I just got this idea and I thought it was really cute and mushy so I decided to write it and see how you guys like it. :) )

You were a toddler at the time, but you obviously knew what occasion was today. . . your fathers birthday! You had already made him a ton of multi-colored construction paper cards, and he even hung them in his lab, and cherished them, and even showered you in kisses.

But him being Tony Stark, of course everyone thought he was going to throw a huge birthday party, but instead, he just wanted it to be him, you and Pepper. And it was quite pleasant. You all sat on the couch, watched TV, Pepper even got your dad a gift, and you got him a brightly colored and sparkly rock, that he enjoyed very much.

But what really made the night was of course, the cake. While you and Pepper sang to him, he held you close to him, and when he got his slice of cake, of course you being a toddler, you grew impatient, and grabbed a fistful of his slice of cake, causing him and Pepper to start laughing.

"(Y/N), that's daddy's!" Pepper exclaimed, as you smiled, and shoved the handful of cake into your mouth while giggling. Your father dipped his finger in frosting, and rubbed it against your forehead, causing you to start giggling and rub cake against Tony's forehead.

You grabbed another handful of cake, as your father pointed at Pepper, and you threw the tiny handful of cake at her, causing her to squeal, as you laughed, and watched Tony and Pepper throw cake at each other, and make a mess out of the kitchen.

But once Jarvis reminded god father that it was your bedtime, you of course got clean up, changed into your pajamas, and you were tucked into bed, and you were out like a light, and Tony knew deep down inside, that you were the best thing to ever happen to him, and that this was one birthday he would never forget.

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