How They Put You To Sleep

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Tony Stark:
Of course when you were younger, your dad was the biggest goofball there ever was. He loved making you laugh, but at bedtime, he had to limit his goofiness, because if he said one joke, it would get you all riled up, and you would stay up for the next two hours, so he was just lay in bed with you, and tell you funny stories, until you fell asleep.

Steve Rogers:
Your father is very protective over you, and he isn't afraid to admit it. He doesn't want anything happening to you, so before you would fall asleep, your father would always make you feel comfortable. You never believed in the monsters under your bed because of him, and he would always tell you that they are fake. But he also isn't afraid to admit that after you would fall asleep, he would always make sure your windows were locked, and he would leave your bedroom door halfway open.

Bruce Banner:
You father didn't have to do much to put you to sleep. He would always explain his latest experiments to you, and there you were in bed, out like a light, and he would always look at you, and smile.

Thor Odinson:
Your father tried telling you bedtime stories, and he has also tried to whisper, but when he is around you, his voice never fails to roar throughout the kingdom, awaking almost every Asgardian, and causing you to do the exact opposite of what he was trying to do. So, instead of reading you bedtime stories, he would just tell you how much he loves you, and how many things he would to, just to keep you safe.

Peter Parker:
He would lay with you in bed, and watch cartoons with you. He loved watching cartoons, and with a sleepy toddler on his chest, made it even better, because if Gwen ever asked him why he was watching cartoons, he had an excuse.

Peter Quill:
He would let you use his Walkman to listen to your favourite song, and he would watch from a distance as you fell asleep. Just the thought of you listening to his music, made him the happiest man in the galaxy.

Clint Barton:
Your father would sit at the edge of your bed, with two of your stuffed animals, and create a fake argument between them, which the argument would usually be about why stuffed bunny #1 stole stuffed bear #8's food, and at the end of the fake stuffed animal argument, he would find you fast asleep, with a big smile on your face.

Nick Fury:
Nick never really was one to put you to sleep, but when he did, he would tell you stories, and you would usually look at him with big eyes, because you were so interested in the story, but you also would quickly fall asleep.

Phil Coulson:
He tucks you in, and always kisses the top of your head. You used to ask him to check under you bed and in your closet for monsters, and you used to make him pinky promise that he was telling the truth, when he said there were no monsters in your room.

Scott Lang:
When your father got the chance to see you, he would cherish every second with you, but when it was bedtime, he would stay up all night with you if he could, and once he even did! But when you're trying to fall asleep, your father always rubs your head, and hums the tunes of his favorite songs.

Loki Laufeyson:
Your father would tell you as many bedtime stories he could until you fell asleep in his arms. Your father enjoyed your love for books so much, that he would tell you stories that Frigga used to tell Thor and him when they were children.

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