Chapter 3

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"Did I frighten you? I'm sorry," a voice said with such deep concern. I almost looked to see who the voice belonged to, but.......I couldn't take my eyes off of those enticing blue irises. The eyes were cerulean, like sapphire. And... they had some kind of undeniable glimmer.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. This must be so disorienting. I'm Eleazar. And, what is your name?"

And that's where he got me. I somehow didn't remember my name. But how?

"Er..." I stalled, "I don't know."

Eleazar sighed. But it wasn't the mocking laughter or even the frustrated sigh I had expected. It was full of concern and.... disappointment? What? Was he actually sad that my name was unknown?

"I should've known. Kasper told me that the blow to your head was bound to cause memory loss, but I didn't-"

"What?" I blurted, "What blow to my head?"

The blue eyes were full of concern and sympathy. "Nothing for you to worry about right now. Rest please."

And so I did.


I was on the cloud again. But, to my dismay, I was wearing converse sneakers, skinny jeans, and a grey hoodie.

I expected to see the divinely colorful sky- or smoke. But there was only some kind of ivory fog around me. It was sort of like the cloud, but it surrounded me, like a barrier. I figured if it was fog, I could run through it, but when I tried, it... the fog pushed me back somehow. Why? Was I being protected or restrained? Or was the fog just a bitch? Ugh. I tried running through the fog again, at different angles now, but it always seemed to push me back.

What was happening? Why was I being trapped in here, and... what was beyond this barrier?

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