Chapter 4

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My dream morphed, and the setting completely transformed into a place that was familiar in the faintest way. There were trees around us, with leaves orange like topaz and rubies (A/N: Excuse my constant comparisons to gems)I was sitting at a worn, wooden picnic table with nails and screws sticking out and faded spray paint. The grass was a creamy white color.There was faded spray paint and litter everywhere. And it smelled of gasoline.

I couln't think of a better place.

See, I have hardly any memory of what happened before I woke up, but I don't need memory to know that I'm a truly laid-back person. And I know that I don't enjoy attention. This place looked deserted, a place where I could live for years and nobody would ever bother me. 

Next to me were a pair of chocolate brown eyes, framed by full eyelashes and cinnamon colored skin. Dark brown hair hung to their chin, giving such a careless and relaxed look, not to mention extremely beautiful.

One name flashed across my mind, like fireworks in a midnight sky, Cruz.

I didn't fully understand how I could remember his name and not my own. He must have been on my mind more than myself. I wasn't sure what to think of that.

Cruz gently took a strand of my jet black hair and placed it behind my ear. He ran his fingers across the face and neck and.. and.. and then-

He kissed me.   


I  was awoken by a shocked shriek. I quickly sat up in bed- feeling an insane pressure in my head- but only to see the concerned expressions of two men, one with the mesmerizing blue eyes, another much elder. There was also a girl who looked a little bit older than me with dirty blonde hair and piercing navy eyes. She seemed to be glaring at me.

"Something wrong miel?" the elder man said, trying to be casual, although alarm was splahed across his voice.

I was confused. Who did I hear screaming?

"W-w-was someone screaming?" I asked.

The elder man answered, "Miel, that was you."

I screamed? Since when do I scream in my sleep? I mean, I've been wanting to scream for the past fourteen years, but now? Why now?

The blue eyed boy- Eleazar?- walked up to me, inspecting my body for injuries. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked tensely.

"Um, yes," I wasn't so sure, but like I said, I don't enjoy attention.

The elder man squinted, getting a good look at me. He seemed to detect my discomfort, and gave me a crooked- toothed smile. His grey eyes looked so aged, but still lively.

"I'm Kasper," he spoke, still grinning, "You've met Eleazar, and this is Lilya."

Kasper gestured toward the girl, wanting for her to smile and introduce herself as he and Eleazar did. But she just narrowed her eyes.

"Usted, I'm going to go hunt," she said to Kasper, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Don't you want to talk with, um, her?" Kasper questioned, trying to ignore the absence of my name.

Now you would think that since we had just met she would say something like, "Oh no, I really need to hunt before it gets dark," or "No, I think we should give her some space." But instead it was: "No. I don't want to."

And with that, she walked out, and I knew that she would not be a happy camper with me here. 

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