Chapter 20

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Inez's POV

The Taurus I rented at the train station sped down the highway as fast as the lenient speed limit in rural Mexico allowed. As soon as I arrived in Canada, I took a train heading straight back to Arizona and then quickly grabbed a map and rented a car. Now, I was struggling with driving and looking at the map to find these Agua Azul falls.

Scenery sprinted passed my side view, too fast for me to actually see anything. My thoughts were enough to occupy me. For the past few weeks, I was more scared than I have ever been. I refuse to believe that Rose is dead. It cannot be true.

This feeling is slightly familiar, vaguely though. I remember back when Rose was four and I was six. It was before her parents died. They were having dinner with my mother and father. Marquita was just a baby at that time. Rose and I were playing in the front yard. We were tossing a rubber ball to eachother. We were in the grass, so the ball didn't bounce. But I threw it to the side a bit one time, and it landed on the sidewalk and bounced into the street.

"I'll get it!" Rose called in her soprano voice.

She ran out into the street, rather gracefully for a four year old, but also carelessly. Before I could see it, I heard a car racing down the street.

"Rose!" I called nervously. I saw her leaping for the curb just as the car speed past. After the car passed, I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Rose!" I called again. She peeked out from behind a tree in the yard across the street. I sighed in relief.

We never told our parents about it, we never spoke of it. I wouldn't be surprised if Rose forgot about it. But I won't. I won't ever forget how scared I was.


Rose's POV

I gazed at the words, wondering how I could possibly write such a thing. How fate could produce such a thing. When Kasper died, I felt as if I had just fallen down a million foot trench, landed on my ass, and and had no way to get back to the top. Now I felt as if this had been repeated. This life I had with Lilya, Eleazar, and Kasper, it could have been brilliant. Now everything that has been severed. Even the old life I knew before was killed, as if all the stars in the sky suddenly burned out. Now there was only darkness.

I realized I had not slept since Kasper passed on the kitchen table. My eyelids drooped, and my mind faded into black.

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