Chapter 15

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In the other room, I hear so much noise. Screams, moans, clatters, rips. It was enough to wake me from the soundest sleep I have ever had.

"Lilya, just calm down! We can't help him by bickering!" I heard Eleazar shout. It was an odd sound. I had never heard him raise his voice. he was usually so gentle and composed.

"Oh, don't you dare just escape the blame Eleazar! How could you be so damn idiotic!?" Lilya screamed back.

Blame? For what? What faults did Eleazar carry? None this severe, surely. At least, not that I knew of. Which made me wonder, were they hiding something from me?

"I understand my blame, Lilya. But if we just stand here arguing, he won't make it!" Eleazar shot back.

I felt as if Kasper should jump in at this moment. If Eleazar was composed, Kasper was harmonious. Surely he would at least attempt to keep the peace between them.

"Lilya, I tried to get him back as quickly as I could. All we can do now is try to help him. Please, just help him." said Eleazar.

As my curiosity burst, I raced in, struggling to think of what I could anticipate. But what I saw was beyond what my mind could ever conjure up. Something heartbreaking, and terrifying.

Kasper's body lied on the floor, bloody, unconscious, and perhaps lifeless.

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