Chapter 12

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Eleazar's warm hand seemed ice cold on my shoulder. I imagined his hand sending a hundred volts of electricity through me. I jumped.

"Are you alright Rosie?" he asked quickly. I turned to face his cerulean eyes and saw care, compassion, and caution in them. In nodded. He stroked my forearm. I was back to imagining the volts of electricity. I looked around at the waterfalls. Earlier, Kasper informed me that this was the Agua Azul. I guess I was slightly pleased with this, because according to my recovering memory and journal, I had always wanted to visit the Agua Azul. But only slightly pleased because I had wanted to visit with Cruz.

Cruz.... he had been bugging me lately. The thoughts, the journal entries, and the memories of him I mean. I couldn't stop thinking of him, stop being reminded if him and the deep feelings I obviously had for him. Kasper, Eleazar, and even Lilya, and the glory of this beautiful place suppressed these feelings. But it reminded me of painkillers for stitches. It numbed the feeling, but I still felt a tugging sensation.

Eleazar took my face in his hands. We stared at eachother for a minute, admiring eachother. Or, at least I was admiring him.

"I can't get your eyes out of my head. They're a beautiful mix of red and brown. What's that color called? I forgot." he admonished.

"Amber," I uttered.

A grin spread across his face. "Amber," he murmured.

His thumb traced my cheekbone. A content smirk looked as if it had been surgically planted on his face. "Has anyone ever told you that you're really beautiful?"

I racked my scattered brain for a witty answer. "Umm... maybe."

Oh how charming. said a sarcastic voice in my head.

Eleazar kissed the tip of my nose. I resisted jumping at that.

Good. He's so sweet! said the voice that was so madly in love with Eleazar.

But Cruz! What about him?! said the voice that felt a longing for Cruz.

I took a step back from Eleazar when I heard that. His hand touched my arm. "You okay?"

I nodded, stepping forward to kiss him.

You don't have to pretend. said another one of the voices. Though this voice was different. Instead of being nagging like the others,, it was soothing. I wished I could thank the voice.

But the I realized. I have voices inside my head.

"Are you sure you're okay Rosie?" he said again, holding me close.

I simply nodded. No need to tell him how crazy I am.

"Um, can we go back inside? Please?" I asked. He put his arm around meand led me to the house, as if I needed to be led inside.

Once we were inside, I turned to Eleazar. "Excuse me for a minute please."

"I'll be here."


I scurried to my room, as it had become. Once I was inside, I turned to make sure Eleazar wasn't looking. Then, I grabbed the journal and opened it up where I had left off.

Tuesday 6/14/11

I went over to Cruz's yesterday. His mother led me to the dining room, offered me  things to eat, and smiled at me often. She's such a lovely woman, Cruz is lucky to have her. She said Cruz would be down in a moment. I probably should have waited until morning. But I felt that if I would have, I would go mad with curiosity.

Eleazar came in. "You were taking a while. Is everything okay?"

I nodded, trying to conceal the journal.

"What is that?" he asked.

Dammit. "Oh just an old journal of mine. It has some information about my past."

He nodded, but he seemed uneasy.

"You know, you're welcome to stay with us as long as you'd like."

I nodded. "Thank you."

He stared at me. "As long as you'd like. As long as you need. That could be forever. You don't even have to return to your old life."

I was frozen. I tried to consider this, but it was nearly impossible.

"Thank you."

He walked out of the room, and gestured for me to follow.

As grateful, as I was, I couldn't help but wonder. Could Eleazar be trying to lure me away from my past?

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