Chapter 13

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Another philosophical dream. Yipee.

It was still on that stupid cloud. And of course, another costume: a white, satin, sleeveless dress. Simple, but still extravagant in its own way.

Eleazar stepped through the fog, and walked toward me. He took my hand and kissed it lightly. The gesture send that same electrical current through me.

He stared at me for a while, then to the side. His eyes fixed on something. I turned to it, and... it was Cruz.

I had the urge to run into his arms. I began to, but then I realized... I would be running away from Eleazar to do so. But... I was resisting Cruz by remaining in Eleazar's grasp, which was tightening right now. But why? I looked at Eleazar, yearning to depend on his countenance to understand his repulsion to Cruz.

One look at his face, and..... I had to blink, not believing my eyes. From the moment I awoke and saw Eleazar's stunning blue eyes, he had always seemed to radiate a gentle, soothing state. Now, this was not at all the case. His jaw clenched tight, his pink lips in a flat, somber line. But most surprising were his eyes. His angelic, radiant blue eyes were ....glowering. Someting that before my mind could not even conjure. I remembered when I first met Lilya, and her navy eyes seemed to be glaring, no matter what. Now, Eleazar just resembled his sister so much as he glared in Cruz's direction.

"Eleazar..." I began. But how could I word this? Eleazar, before you rescued me, I was madly in love with this guy. So stop glaring. But it doesn't mean anything. 

But in a swift motion, Eleazar did something beyond the discomfort of glaring. He held his hand out in Cruz's direction, swiped his hand across the air, and smirked as Cruz disintegrated into dust.

The last thing I heard in my dream was shrill squall.

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