Chapter 18

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I couldn't believe what I had just read. After all the unbreakable affection and undeniable passion I had observed with myself and Cruz, this was the tipping point? This was what pushed me from unhappiness to misery? This is really what it came to?

"Rosie!" Eleazar yelled from the kitchen. I raced in, and I saw Kasper's thick, aged, bloody hand twitching. Lilya was sitting next to him, hovering over him, waiting for that miracle to happen, as she has been for the past twenty nine hours.

"Kasper?" I murmured. I pressed my ear up against his chest, and I heard a faint, but present, heartbeat.

His eyes opened about half of a centimeter, and I don't think I had ever felt so relieved before.

"Kasper," I repeated, just a bit louder. He made a certain moaning sound, accompanied by some muffled speech.

He tried to speak again, and it was clearer this time. "Miel..." he murmured with his lips pulling faintly at the corners.

"I.... can't..." his speech was slurred and quiet, but we were holding onto each word. "All my life...... empty......... so empty................."

Tears began to drip from Lilya's eyes. They landed on Kasper's chest.

"Children changed........changed that....... Gave me light.................... Gave me something."

Kasper's eyes began to droop, and I realized how tightly I was grasping his hand.

"Kasper?" I murmured. No answer.

I put my ear up to his chest, and I heard silence.

Just silence.

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