Chapter 21

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Rose's POV

When I awoke, Cruz's angelic face was vividly plastered in my brain. In spite of the inevitable despair that lied in the diary, I knew I needed to read on. I reached into my pillowcase, where I always kept the it. I expected to feel the torn leather cover or the pages hardened and curled from the river water, but all I felt was the soft pillowcase fabric. Panic suddenly shot through me as I frantically grabbed my hand inside the pillowcase, with no sign of the journal. Desparately, I stood up and pulled the pillow from the pillowcase and shook the pillowcase, overwhelmed with panic, only to find nothing more.

I fell to my knees and searced under the bed and under the nightstand. Nothing. Jumping back up, I dashed to the door. When I walked into this room, it was like a sheet of darkness was suddenly covering me. The room was nearly identical to the way it was yesterday. Kasper, now pale as snow and slightly thinner, was still on the table with Lilya sitting beside him ressting her head on the side of the table. The room seemed dreary and cold, and there was a certain tension that filled the air. The only thing different from yesterday was that Eleazar was gone. I wanted to ask where Eleazar was, or if Lilya had seen the journal. Yet it seemed felonious to disturb the silence and sanctity that dwelled in the room.

"He went hunting," Lilya murmured, inferring my thoughts.

I nodded, deciding that I should leave Lilya be. So I went outside to find Eleazar.

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