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Inez's POV

The TV in the rear center of the room quietly broadcast some news report in quick fluent Spanish. Beyond the open window, I could faintly hear birds chirping. In the room next door, I heard two people arguing passionately.

It was all white noise.

What had happened today? How could I have started a day feeling so hopeful, so optimistic, and now.... now everything had changed.

Yes, in this whole grand scheme over the last few months, it all changed in a matter of minutes. These powerful minutes still played in my head, over and over and over.

I bolted over hills, rocks, and grass screaming her name, the hope in me manifesting by the moment.

"Rose!" I shouted as loud as I could manage.

I kept running. I didn't stop. My mouth continued to form her name and screech it into the air, it was practically second nature.

"Ro-" my voice faltered to the sight before me. I stood a few feet away from a cliff's edge, the man from my dream standing neat the edge looking down.

We stood in the thick silence for a minute, but it felt like a day. I was so close. So close to knowing what happened to Rose. Why was I just standing there?

"Rose," I murmured.

"She's gone." the man replied.

"Where is sh-"

"She's gone!" he barked, turning to me, his eyes burning with anger like a cerulean inferno.

He turned back, peering over the edge. Slowly, he stepped back, breathing heavily. He sunk to his knees and pressed his palms against his face. I could hear the sobs racking his body. They were sobs of despair.

"She's dead," he proclaimed through his weeping, "She jumped."

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