Chapter 9

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Eleazar's POV

My mind was in critical condition.

I had once heard that the average human thinks around 15,000 thoughts a day. Yet, I must've had at least that right at that moment. And I planned on having more thoughts throughout the day.

I tried to move, to access any of my motor skills. But it  seemed as if my mind was too busy asking itself questions, so all I could do was stand there staring at her deep honey-colored eyes. The questions varied from: What is Rose thinking? to What will Lilya and Kasper do? to How the hell did that happen? I tried to say something, something to clear the tension. But I couldn't. My emotions had their own agenda, and no time for the simple things like speech.

As part of me had a nervous breakdown trying to figure out what was going on, another part of me was actually dancing around cheering. I remembered when I found Rose, I thought that even with cuts and bruises all over her, she was incredibly beautiful. And then I was so pleasantly surprised by her spunk, and her independence. And now? I thought she had been pushing me away, but... but now she kissed me.

"A-A-Are you okay?" she stuttered. I nodded.

"Kasper!" she yelled for him. He came in with a wary look on his face. "Yes miel?"

"Er, I think Eleazar may be in shock. What can we do?" she stammered.

"Well what happened?" Kasper asked. Rose blushed. "Um, I kinda of kissed him."

Kasper nodded, as if he were expecting this. He turned to me. "Eleazar?"

"I-I'm fine." I answered. Everyone sighed. I noticed Lilya in the corner. She was rolling her eyes. I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry to disturb you Kasper. Rose and I had some things to, er, discuss."

Rose snorted. "Well, would you like to be left alone?" Kasper offered. Rose and I both nodded. Kasper bagan to leave. "Come, Lilya nina."

They both began to leave when Lilya stopped. "Oh, and Rosamaria? Don't do anything more to my brother, please. We don't hold a homeless shelter. You do know what would happen if you dishonored us."

"Lilya!" I barked. Kasper gently took her arm and guided her away.

Rose and I stared at eachother. "So, er, sorry. About kissing you." Rose apologized.

"It's alright," I insisted, "Are you okay?" She rolled her eyes.

"Sorry!" I said quickly. She nodded. "So... I couldn't help but wonder," I said, raising my eyebrow dramatically, "Did that kiss mean something?"

"I...I don't really know. I guess it was just impulsive." she tried to explain. I nodded.

"Look, I'm really sorry about Lilya," I remembered.

She replied, "It's alright. I just wish she would stop calling me Rosamaria. It's annoying."

"What about Rosie? Do you like that name?" I asked curiously. She smiled. "Nobody has ever called me Rosie before. But... I like it."

We both smiled at eachother. "Oh, by the way, you never got a chance to tell me about your past."

"Would you like to hear about it?"

"Very much so."

I smirked. "Okay then Rosie."

So, I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while. I have a problem...... But I hope you like this! And having it in Eleazar's perspective isn't something I want to continue doing. It was hard, and boring, and I think I wanna stick to Inez and Rose's POVs.


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