Important Announcement

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Hello everyone.

So you're probably going to hate me forever for this, but I'm taking a break.

Yeah I know you want to banish me like forever and stuff, but I'm doing this for you people... kind of. You see, I get tired of a story very easily. And once I get tired of it, then my chapters become all short and crappy. Right now, I'm kind of tired with all my stories. And my mind like shoots out ideas uncontrollably, and I try to shove them back in my mind until I can finish the ones from before, but it can be very difficult. So right now I'm just trying to control all that and get back to having ideas for the stories I am already working on. I really want for you to read the very best my imagination has in store. :)

I'm sooooo sorry. You're probably upset with me, but I promise that once I get my imagination to shut the hell up and get back to work, I will update. Again, I'm sooooooo sorry. But my mind just has a mind of its own. (Crappy pun)


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