Chapter 8

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Inez's POV

Flashlight, check. Spare clothes, check. Credit card, check. Protein bars, check. I thought over for the eightieth time. My red Bebe shoulder bag was filled with all the necessities I needed. Or, at least I hoped it was.

The entire house was silent, and the only light that shone was the oven clock, which seemed to be reminding me how much longer I had until Mama woke up. It was now 4:26 AM. Mama had to be at work at 6:15. I had a half hour at most.

I was wearing my usual denim skirt and tank top, but I had packed a fleece sweater in my bag. I had no idea where Rose was, but I would go to the South Pole if I had to.

I took one last look at my home. Questions danced inside my mind. Where will I find Rose? Will I have to leave New Mexico? Will I have to leave the country? What if it's too late? Is Rose still alive? Will I ever see this place again? But I simply shook these questions off. As terrified as I was, I knew I couldn't continue doing this- sitting around twirling my hair wondering where the hell Rose is. I knew that Mama and Papa weren't going to make any efforts to find her. And I knew that whether she was dead or alive, I had to know for sure.

The door shut behind me, and I rushed down the street.

And my journey began.


"Miel, don't you want something to eat?" Kasper asked. I shrugged and sat down. Kasper had prepared a spiced wild turkey.

Eleazar watched me with wary eyes, which made me roll mine. While Lilya glared at me. I hated both looks equally.

The situation with Lilya hadn't progressed at all. In fact, I'd say it got worse. I had remembered that my name was Rose, but that was only short for Rosamaria. Kasper had tried the name out, and I was immediately reminded of a different memory: I hated that name. Kasper realized it, and had promised not to call me by Rosamaria. But Lilya knew as well. And she made it a habit to say the name at every opportunity.

God, Eleazar wouldn't stop staring at me like I was about to be put on the death penalty. My nostrils flared in an angered gesture. I stood up. "Excuse me Kasper,"I said in the most diplomatic way I could and stomped out of the room. Eleazar chased after me.

"Are you alright Rose?" he asked, alarmed.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh stop that, won't you?"

His eyes widened. "What? Stop what?"

"Treating me like I'm some five year old who doesn't know how to take care of herself , dammit!" I shouted. He bowed his head, acting like a dog who's master had scolded him.

"You think I act like that?" he questioned pitifully.

I yelled, "I know you act like that!"

He looked up at me with big puppy eyes. As upset as I was, I couldn't help but be re-mesmerized by his perfect cerulean eyes. The sun beams shot through the glass walls and onto his bronze skin. I felt like a was really seeing his beauty for the first time. His shaggy blond hair hung around his eyes. A moment passed.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you." He began to turn around, but I grabbed his arm and swung him back around so that we were face to face. We only had to stare at each other for a half a second before our lips were meeting. Suddenly I wasn't on Earth anyomre. I was in a different world. A world in which there was nobody but Eleazar and I. Kasper didn't exist, nor Lilya, Ashley, Carmen, Inez, Mama, Uncle Raul, Aunt Lupa. I couldn't think of anybody in the world but Eleazar. Everyone else had fled my mind.

Except for Cruz.

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