Chapter 11

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Inez's POV

I had always heard that it's relaxing to sleep on a train. What with all the clicking on the leaning of the train in motion. And many people believed in that, judging from the rest of the passengers in coach, who all looked dead. It was 2:46 in the morning, and I was wide awake. But then again, how could I sleep in a situation like this?

My iPod was playing the song, "The Sweet Escape" by Gwen Stefani on loop.... Ironic. It helped to distract from how freaked out I was. I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I mean, last week my biggest fear was that I couldn't afford those Betsey Johnson heels, and suddenly I'm secretly traveling to Canada.

Why Canada? It actually made sense. Cruz had always wanted to take Rose to Quebec, where his mother was born. Oh, Cruz. That's probably the reason for all this. Rose was so torn up about everything that I guess I have no surprises. But... still. Killing herself? I remembered back to those church classes I took back when I was little. The ones Nana Evita signed me up for. They told us that suicide was a sin. That it was just as bad as killing somebody else. But.... Rose..... she's not a bad person. Not at all. And in church class, whenever somebody brought up the word, 'sinner.' I thought of a ruthless, vicious person who kills and breaks hearts. But Rose? She truly does not fit that description.

So I guess it's safe to say she did it for love? I mean, I guess Cruz was cute, and nice, and it's all such a tragedy, but Rose is.... Rose is so strong. So enduring. In my mind, Rose and suicide would just not go together. They just wouldn't be related subjects. Like puzzle pieces that don't go together.

I tried to settle in my tiny baby blanket and pillow that felt like it was made of some weird bumpy fabric. I wished for sleep, but that was a miracle that I didn't believe would occur. What with the worries on my mind, the grande latte from Starbucks I downed earlier, the uncomfortable bedding, those damn 'relaxing' clicking and grinding sounds.... But after a few hours I fell asleep.

In my dream, I saw Rose. She was walking around barefoot at the bluff of the top of a waterfall. She was wearing a cream colored sundress, and her satin black hair was pulled into a braid on one side. I tried to shout for her, but she couldn't hear me. A boy came up to her, he had dirty blonde hair that hung in his eyes, but I could see that his eyes were a piercing dark blue. His bronze skin looked radiant in the sun. He was obviously very beautiful.

A bronze hand touched Rose's shoulder, which made her- and I- jump. It took me a second to realize why. The way he touched her shoulder just now, and the way he was acting, it was intimate. Like how Cruz would act around her. And even though Cruz was dead, it seemed wrong that anyone else could act so intimate around Rose.

To distract myself, I looked around.And surprisingly, I immediately recognized the place as one of the Agua Azul waterfalls of Mexico. I remembered learning about them back in my junior year in global studies. They were a series of waterfalls in the Municipality of Tumbala.

I took one last glance at Rose. I wanted to tell her something, to command her to do something like to keep safe, to stay where she is. But then I remember that she can't hear me here.

When I awoke, I knew one thing. One thing that could save Rose's life. One thing I had to do now.

I had to get to Mexico.

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