You Are Beat Up (Michael)

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Age 8:

You and Michael had decided to take a trip to the park. You loved the park, and you loved the monkey bars the most. You were in gymnastics so you liked to flip off of the last bar. You land perfectly ever time. Michael loves going to your meets, and he is so supportive of you. You had won your last meet, but some of the girls weren't so happy about it. You brushed it off because you weren't going to be seeing them again, they are on the other team. You arrived at the park and you instantly ran to the monkey bars and started to hang upside down from the bar. Michael was sitting on a bench near you so he could keep an eye on you. Three familiar faces appeared and stood right in front of you, looking very mad. Your smile faded and you flipped back around and jump to the ground. The one in the middle looked at you and said "Ew, those judges were obviously blind. You suck!" The other two girls started to laugh at this, but you just looked at them and smiled. "I'm sorry that you feel that way. I thought you guys were great!" You said. They stopped smiling, and the one at the end pushed you. "We are better then you will ever be!" You looked around for Michael, but you couldn't find him. The girl at the end pulled your hair, and you yelped. They laughed at you. You were scared, so you went back onto the monkey bars, but the girls pushed you off and you landed on your stomach, hard. You sat up in shock before you started to cry. The girls looked shocked and ran off. A few parents saw what happened and tried to calm you down while some others tried to find Michael. A few seconds later, Michael comes running around the corner with a worried look on his face. "Y/N, sweetie what happened?" "These mean girls pushed me off the monkey bars and I fell on my stomach and it really hurts!" He thanked the other parents before picking you up and carrying you to the car. He bought you some Ice Cream and let you pick out a movie for the both of you to watch.


Hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry this author's note isn't very long. Jessica isn't feeling well, but I will try to update tomorrow!-Savannah

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