You Pass Out (Michael BSM)

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My favorite hair of Mikey's ugh ~Jessica
Age 15:
You were sick with the flu. You were showing no signs of getting better, and Michael was getting worried. You had moved in with him a few years ago, so he was the only one you had right now. He made you a doctors appointment but that was tomorrow. Today you were feeling dizzy, and really weak. Michael had to go to the studio, so he left you with Ashton. You were laying in bed, when you became very thirsty. You got up to get some water but you became extremely lightheaded. Your vision was becoming fuzzy, and before you fell you screamed
You fell onto the floor. Ashton came running into your room and pulled you onto his lap. You could hear him try to keep you awake but you gave into the darkness.
You groaned at that annoying sound, before opening your eyes. You were in a room in some hospital. Michael was asleep in the chair and the rest of the boys were scattered around the room. You put your hand on your head and sighed. Michael woke up and look relieved.
"Y/N! Thank god you are ok! I was so scared"
You smiled at him "Michael, what happened?"
His looked at you and sighed "Y/N, you passed out, Ashton was watching you and you screamed his name and just passed out."
"I'm sorry if I scared you" You said as you hugged him.
"It's ok, let's let the boys finish their beauty sleep, I'll see if the doctor will let me push you around"
"Thank you"

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