The First Day

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Chapter 7

Sasha's POV

I was breathing really hard. I have this kind of thing where I have... asthma. It only happens when I'm nervous and trust me, I was beyond nervous. I cautiously walked up the stairs and to the stool. The raggedy old hat was put upon my head.

Ah, you remind me of another student that was here long ago. I straightened my back at these words. I felt more confident.

What was his name? Tom Riddle? I drooped back down.

Voldemort? I remind him of Voldemort? I thought.

Yes, he goes by many names now. it said. He was a proud Slytherin. There are many things you two have in common. I was worried. What if I ended up in Slytherin?

You are very independent, you tend to get in trouble, and you will push away anyone in your way. These are very important things for a Slytherin. These were all true.

Yet, you are intelligent, which is an important asset to a Ravenclaw. One thing seems to stand out the most, though.

Please be Gryffindor! I thought.

You have a strong leadership! it said before actually saying, "Better be... GRYFFINDOR!!!"

Again, the Gryffindor table went insane. I browsed the other tables, that just seemed to be bored. Except for Slytherin. Jake was standing up and giving a loud applause to me. We both had eye contact and I gave him a soft smile.

You're probably thinking that I have a crush on him, which I kind of do. We both have some history. It was completely unexpected, though!

Jake and I were sitting alone at a riverbank. Ally had already gone back home for dinner. It was such a beautiful night and so quiet that you could here crickets chirping. It was Jake's last night before he was shipped of to his so called "boarding school". I intended to make this one night special.

"Um, so what's the name of your new school?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"You know, I don't even remember," Jake said. I could tell he was lying, but I shrugged it off.

"I'm gonna miss you, ya know," Jake said, looking away from me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you, too," I said. I don't understand why Jake was acting weird. We were best friends. I heard my mom calling me.

"I have to go," I said, getting up to go.

"Yeah," Jake got up, too. We both hugged and started to leave, until Jake grabbed my arm. I turned back to him and we gazed into each others eyes. He leaned in and before I knew it, our lips touched! He suddenly pulled away, said a soft "sorry", and raced back to his house. When I got back to my house I cried all night. I was practically in love with him, until after a year, when I thought we would never see each other again.

So now you know. When I saw him on the train, I almost ran to him and hugged him. Then I saw his robe with the Slytherin emblem. I nearly started crying, and Ally could tell. Ally doesn't even know about the kiss, but I don't think I'll be telling her anytime soon.

I bolted over to the table where everyone congratulated me. I sat next to George, who gave me a one arm hug, and across from Ally, who kept saying how she knew I would get into Gryffindor.

After the big feast, Percy showed us to the Gryffindor common room, where Ally and I got settled. Ally sat on her bed while I sat on mine.

"I saw you look over at Jake," she finally said.

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