A Bludger to The Head

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Chapter 15

Ally's POV

Okay something is going on, Sasha has been in a daze all day, there's something she isn't telling me.

Since today's Saturday, we don't have classes, so when we were alone in the common room, I decided I was going to confront her.

Yeah things didn't go that way, right when I was about to say something, there was a loud sound from outside the common room, like someone wanted to get in.

"Neville probably forgot the password, I'll go let him in." Sasha said walking to the portrait hole.

"Nope not Neville." I heard her say.

"Who is it then?" I asked curiously.

She didn't answer, she just walked back into the room, with Cedric following behind her.

"Cedric, what are you doing here?" I exclaimed jumping up and hugging him.

"I wanted to see you, are you ready for the Quidditch match next Saturday, we're going to destroy you." He said smirking.

"No way, Gryffindor is way better, I'm on the team, and I'm the best." I said confidently.

"Fine then, lets make a little bet then, if I win, I get a kiss." Cedric said smiling.

"And if I win?" I asked curiously.

"You get a kiss." He said laughing.

"You can do better than that." I said.

"Fine, winner gets a kiss and loser has to go around saying how superior the winner is, and how awesome they are." He said.

"Deal." I said sticking my hand out, he shook it.

I heard Sasha laugh, only then did I remember that Hufflepuff wins the game in the book. Dang it.

After that, Sasha left, leaving Cedric and I alone for awhile.

Fred's POV

I walked into the common room, and the first thing I saw was Ally and that git snogging on the couch, I won't be able to sit there ever again.

Okay, play it cool Fred, don't rip his head off...

"Afternoon." I said sitting on the couch across from them.

They instantly pulled apart, Ally's face flushed when she saw me, she's so cute when she blushes.

"I should probably go." Diggory said awkwardly as he got up.

As he left, Angelina came in and sat next to me.

"Hi Fred." She said smiling.

"Angelina. I said nodding.

"So are you excited for Hogsmeade, we'll be able to go soon." She said smiling big.

"Yeah I guess." I said scratching my head.

"Did you here we can bring dates?" She said casually.

"Um yeah." I said kind of awkwardly, there was only one person I would want to bring, my eyes darted to Ally on the other couch.

"Are you going to bring a date?" She asked.

"Only if going on a group counts as a date." I said jokingly.

"Oh Fred you're so funny!" Angelina exclaimed touching my shoulder.

I head Ally clear her throat, so I turned towards her.

"I'm gonna go find Sasha." Ally said, leaving quickly.

"What's her problem?" Angelina asked once she had left.

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