The Hogsmeade Date

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Chapter 18

Sasha's POV

"The brother of Sirius Black?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Yes," he said, almost surprised that I knew. "He was a Death Eater, but then died of some unknown reason. Was very young, he was. Died around the age of seventeen. Strong student, and very loyal. I'm almost surprised he didn't get into Gryffindor, like his brother." I barely listened to anything he said, because I already knew it all. I just couldn't get over the fact that Ally and I might be cousins!

"So, is this definite?" I questioned, interrupting his big speech.

"Not really. I mean, there are other people, but there is a big chance that he was your biological father," he answered.

"Okay, well, is that all you wished to tell me?" I looked into his twinkling blue eyes.

"I'm afraid so. You may leave," he said, waving me away.

"Alright, Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. For all your help." He looked up into my eyes, for the very first time.

"You are very welcome, Miss Black. Oh, and tell that Weasley boy he picked a good one."

"Which boy?"

"I'm sure you know." I started to blush, and I walked out the door. I still had a good amount of time, before I had to go to bed, and classes just ended, which meant George was now available.

While I was walking to the Gryfindor common room, I bumped into Ally, Fred, and George all decked out in their Quidditch gear. Uh oh, I knew what that meant.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" I asked them.

"I know I told you we would hang out today, but I forgot we had Quidditch practice," Ally explained. "Sorry."

"It's alright, you guys need to go," I said.

"I'll see you later, love," George said softly, kissing the top of my forehead. I waved them good-bye, and decided to explore a little bit. Somehow, I wound up in the dungeons, where I met up with Jake.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I'm bored, so I'm just walking around. You?" I said.

"Same here," he answered, ruffling his hand through his hair. Suddenly, an idea came up in my head. I grabbed his arm, and led him to the entrance to the room of requirement. Then I thought of what I desperately needed, and the door appeared.

"Woah... Where did that come from? What is it?" Jake questioned me.

"It's the room of requirement. It appears whenever you need something. We need some fun, so here we are!" I said, gesturing towards the two large doors. We both opened the doors to find bookshelves with rows and rows of games. There were even Muggle games. We spent hours just playing game after game. Jake taught me how play Martha's Magic Mystery. It's a board game where there are three muggles, and one wizard. You have to figure out which one is the wizard. The best part is, is that the pieces move all by themselves, and the characters change every time you play a new game. After that I showed him how to play Clue, which is the same concept, but no magic. He kept complaining that he had to move his own piece.

At the very back of the room, there was loads of candy. Any kind you can imagine. Jake and I took a big bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. We would take turns putting our hand in the bag, blind folded, and we would have to eat whatever bean we picked up. Jake got vomit numerous times, while mine were all sweet.

"Man, I don't remember having that much fun, since I moved away," Jake exclaimed, as we left the room. He turned to look at me.

"Yeah," I said softly. I saw him starting to lean in for a kiss, but I couldn't do that to George. "I got to go." He seemed shocked by this sudden disturbance, but he understood.

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