The Stupid Bird Tried to Kill Me!

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Chapter three

Ally's POV

"OH MY GOD! We're going to Diagon Alley!" I screamed, Sasha and I jumping around like little kids.

"Aren't you excited," Hermione muttered with distaste.

Oh no, Hermione doesn't seem too fond of us right now. Sasha could care less; she doesn't really care for her, but I've always liked her.

"I'm sorry. we're just excited to go to Hogwarts," I told her, suddenly shy.

"It's alright," she mumbled, turning back to her book.

"So you like to read?" I asked, sitting beside Hermione, even though I already knew the answer.

"Hermione, like to read?" Ron scoffed. "She never stops!"

"I like to read, too." As I said this, Hermione looked up and smiled.

"Really?" she asked, putting the book down.

"It's true! Once she read a book for twelve hours straight! She loves reading," Sasha said, causing Hermione to grin bigger.

"Really? What muggle books do you like?" she inquired, her eyes twinkling.

"Well I really like J.K.-" Sasha elbowed me. This time it was me who almost blew our cover.

"What I meant to say was, I really like all books, but my favorite books are by Rick Riordan," I quickly replied, trying to cover up my mistake. Sasha groaned, because Rick Riordan was the author of the Percy Jackson series, which is my second favorite series. Sasha didn't see what the big fuss was about it.

"I've never heard of him," Hermione told me with a slight frown.

"Well he is an American," I said, and she nodded.

"This conversation is so boring," Ron said with an over dramatic sigh.

"Thank you!" Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Fine Ron, what would you like to talk about?" I asked.

"Hogwarts. So what house do you guys want to be in?" Ron asked.

Sasha and I looked at each other, then said in unison, "Gryffindor."

"We're in Gryffindor," Hermione said, proudly.

"It'd be great if you two were in Gryffindor too!" Ron told us, grinning.

"Ron! Mum said we have guests! Where are they?" A voice came from back in the kitchen.

Ron let out a groan, then yelled, "They're in here Percy!"

Sasha and I aren't like most people; we don't hate Percy. Sasha, I don't even know why she doesn't hate, and me, I just think he's a little annoying, but he's not that bad, and honestly, I feel kind of bad for him.

"Ah, there you are. I am Percy Weasley, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Percy said, formally.

"It's nice to meet you Percy. I'm Alexandra Conners, but call me Ally," I replied shaking his hand firmly.

"I'm Sasha Firestone," Sasha said, taking his hand.

"I heard you two are going to Hogwarts. I'm the head boy of Gryffindor," he boasted.

"There he goes again," Ron muttered under his breath.

"That's great! Congratulations," I responded, smiling.

"Why thank you Alexandra," Percy said, beaming. I grimaced as he said my full name; I don't like it at all.

"Well I must be off," Percy said, walking away.

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