Fighting w/ Luke

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a/n legit my fav all caps poetry.^

fighting with Luke would be a lot of sarcasm and smart ass comments. I can almost guarantee that whoever ends up marrying Luke one day, you will butt heads. Luke is stubborn, he's quiet, and he's far too 'calm cool and collected'.

the whole fight would start because one of you made a smart ass remark and it'd just grow from there, lots of scoffing and waving eachother off, lots of 'can you just fucking stop being an idiot for two seconds?' and probably a bit of 'oh you're real fucking funny' both of these comments coming from either of you.
You'd probably get so fed up with his attitude and leave the room, maybe go for a walk or something but when you finally ended up seeing Luke again a bit after he'd still be a bit moody and stubborn but he'd be the first to apologize and the whole argument would just be put aside.

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