1/Worst honeymoon, ever (Laurent)

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I told everyone that I leave for my honeymoon and to no call unless it really important. I was really excited to finally spend time together with just Mia. Our flight was late so I check my messages and find out an ex was telling all my business. What I like in bed and other personal stuff. I no need this right now. I quickly send a message to get her to stfu and stop using our past to make herself seem more important. She has always been too much but she go too far. She apologize and say it no happen again so I let it go.

We transfer to a small plane so we have to check us carry on. We survive the terrible flight and they no can find us stuff. Mia is so calm, polite and scary when she gives them two days to both find and return all us stuff undamaged. She told them something that made their eyes widen then she walked away as they promise it will be done, I almost laugh at how she make them shake, but she always seem to know how to get results.

She buys us some replacement things to so we have other clothes which I appreciate but I don't like how she throw money around. She spent so much on us twins' place, cars and kids. Not to mention my studio and this honeymoon. I'm beginning to feel like the girl in us relationship.

Monday night, we go to dinner, she order for us and pay! The next day she give me a spa day and a personal massage. I the man, that my job, I mean I suppose to do those things for her. It is nice but it no feel equal right now.

Then my twin call for tell me us Maman to owe an almost 25,000 euro for tax or they take her house. I lose it but try to take a walk to calm down. I no pay attention where I go and get lost somewhere outside the 'regular' tourist area. After a few wrong turns, I sigh and finally decide to call for help only to realize I forget my phone. I try but I no can remember Mia's new number. 'Damn why I leave my phone.' I no know if I more upset with myself for leaving my phone or forgetting her number.

(stomach growl)

I need to eat, I no can think on an empty stomach then I can calm down and think. I stop at a local restaurant and the food is really good but when I check, I no have my wallet. So I end up washing dishes all night to pay. I'm tired and hungry again and still no closer to finding my way back to Mia. Thankfully one of the delivery guys helps me find my way back to the hotel by mid morning Wednesday, I walk in ready to apologize to Mia but she leave a note saying she went out for a while. I call her to tell her I here but it go to voicemail. I sigh, well the note no seem angry.

'Ugh I no remember the last time I was so tired and hungry.' I order breakfast for one then lay down to sleep. The bed is so comfortable and the sheets are so soft but I still toss and turn. Something missing, I bury my face into the pillows they no smell like Mia. Did she sleep in the bed last night? Maybe they already change the sheets.

It is about 3pm when I finally decide to get up. I call to check on her but it goes straight to voicemail again. Maybe her phone die she only buy one charger and my phone was connected. Or she is ignoring my calls.

I was about to get in the shower when the concierge brought our luggage to the door. I check my bags and everything is there. Mia's laptop, tablet and camera still in her bag along with her jewelry. I see a small wrapped box. I open it to see a pair of baby booties with 6/12/15 embroidered on top.

(Just so there is no confusion, almost every European write the date first then the month followed by the year. So the date on the booties is December 6, 2015.)

I no believe Mia not tell me she pregnant. She was trying to tell me about a development before Larry call and I just leave her without a word, I really mess up.

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