6/Love for us fans (Larry)

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Mai has been showing her affection all week. Who say you sex life change after marriage and kids, lie. This morning before I leave she attack me in the shower. One moment I am washing, the next Mai has wrapped herself around me. I laughed quietly as she "accidently" rubbed her body against me while she 'wash'.
"Keep playing bébé, we both be late." I said lowly in her ear as I pinned her against the wall.
"I got permission to be late." Mai winked.
"Oh?" I said pressing my lips to her skin and my body against hers.

(An hour later and running 30 minutes late)

"Morning bro!" I greet Laurent when I get in the plane.
"You look happy, you get some this morning. I hate you." Laurent grumbled but I know he no mean it so I just shrug, "Mia still not come around." He stretched and sighed but no answer. I try not to laugh because I know he on edge the longest they keep they hands off was 3 days. "You know she want to, two weeks no long. Six weeks is long."
"Yeah, I know." He pouted. "She said she has a lot of work the next few weeks but she said I can come to visit her at work anytime I want."
"Are you? I mean, she not remember why she no want you there before."
"She said she want me to meet her father and-"
"What?! Lau non! He a bad person! Non, he devil!" I yelled.
"Chill bro, she already tell me but she my wife and he need to understand I not go anywhere." Laurent leaned back looking calm.
"I no like it, Lau. He do bad things." I no trust Mai grandfather and Laurent need me to watch his back. I was about to tell him what he did to Mia and what he try for do to his marriage but he pressed he forehead to mine.
"No worry for that." He smiled then leaned away as we fly towards our scheduled appearance.
"How much longer us here?"
"Two hours, why?" I watched him fidget in his chair.
"Wake me when we there." Lau reclined and closed his eyes.
"Why you sleep now?"
"Shut up!" Laurent grumbled in French.
"Bitch." I sat back and listened to music while checking my messages. An hour later we landed, I think I could get used to riding private planes. I shake Lau to wake him but he no move.
"Lau. Lau! LAU!" I swear he sleep too hard. I shake him harder but he still no move. I pull his hair and he mumble something. "Lau, wake up we here!" I yell. He jump up hitting his head then almost fall to the floor and I laugh which makes him curse and lunge at me. I move and he land in my chair which make me laugh harder. Now he mad. Whatever.
It has been too long since we do a battle and I no can wait. Laurent check us in and I watch the crowd.
"They say the-" Laurent was interrupted.
"OMG! Hi! My name is Stephanie and this are my friends." A very cute but kind of loud blonde introduced herself. She had a lot of friends and they all smile at us. Laurent moved to stand beside me.
"Hi Charlotte, you guys dance today too?" I asked.
"No, we are Les Twins fans we came to show support." One of the girls said.
"Oh you live in Europe?" Laurent asked.
"Only Charlotte, the rest of us come from New York, Georgia, Virginia, D.C., Maryland, the Carolinas, NOLA and Florida." Different girls answered. "Would it be okay to get a few group pictures before you kill the competition today?" Charlotte smiled. She had deep dimples. My brother look suspicious but agreed. "If one of you stand in the middle of our group and the other take two pictures then switch that would be the fastest way." Laurent stood in the middle and four girls squeezed together under each arm, while the rest crowded in front. After I took the pictures I switched with Lau. One girl moved her arms around me and the rest crowded around. We look like sardines.
Finally happy with the pictures they gave us two backpacks and wished us luck before they disappeared into the crowd.
Laurent was afraid to open his but after a quick peak he saw it had a few bottles of sprite and spring water, candy, some fan art, a few monogrammed underwear for him a few rings and earrings. I saw his smile widen as he dug through the bag.
My bag had a lot of the same items but it had a business card for Charlotte, attached to a iPad mini. Charlotte is an event coordinator. The back of her card say was trying to reach Les Twins to make an appearance at a party later in the year featuring the artists on the mini. I listened to the iPad until they call for us, it was full of decent music and mixes I never hear before.
The crowd was so loud after we were announced, then it was just my brother and the music. After a few wins, Lau bowed to our personal cheering section, the girls from earlier. I had to laugh when I heard Lau scream and the fans screamed back at him. He not expect it, I think it scare him a little but everyone laughed. They roared when we roared and that energy push us through the finals.
After the competition, Charlotte congratulate us and say, "I look forward to seeing you later." I just nod and Lau lose it.
"What she mean? Why she on you?"
"She want Les Twins to perform at a party, okii Lau?" I grumbled as I walked away. I sent her info to my manager for them to see what's up.
Later in the club, "You still keeping secrets from me?" Laurent corner me.
I am but Mia say not to tell him.
"What secret I keep?" I asked avoiding his questioning eyes. He turned my head to see Charlotte and a group of girls walk into VIP.
"I no know they be here." It true but I no like she keep showing up. She ignore us until after us dance and come back. When we sit down she send us bottle service and a couple of cute girls each.
The girls are friendly. They all talk with us about the party Charlotte is trying to set up. They sing in a group together and say us can dance at the party if us want but they hope to collaborate on a song or two, instead. This had Laurent's ear but he only say us not interested. Laurent was drinking his one drink slowly but I stop paying attention after my third drink.
One of the girls smiled widely moving to me placing her hand over my wrist to stop me, "Hey, you hungry?"
"Non." I answered pulling my arm away.
"Maybe slow down a little, you are surrounded by cameras." She whispered in my ear. I glared at her but say nothing. Soon sampler platter of food arrived and she replaced my glass with a plate. I look at Laurent and his look said to eat. She sat my drink in front of one of the other girls and handed me a soda.
As soon as the food hit my stomach I started to really feel the alcohol. I stood up and danced for a while, then Laurent and the girls helping me in a car.
I woke up naked in a hotel room with three sleeping half dressed girls. For a second I thought I was dreaming but one of the girls grazed my member and I jumped out of bed. I struggled to find my clothes and shoes to get dressed. Where is Lau? Why he leave without me?
In the taxi on the way back to my room I call Laurent but he not answer, now I really mad. I beat on my brother's door for answer. He was sleeping and as soon as he opened the door he lays back on the bed.
"Why you leave me?" I questioned.
"You yell at me, push me out the car and close the door in my face." Laurent turned away from me. "So you on you own." Is he serious? He mad at me?
"Lau, I no remember nothing." I explained as my phone started ringing. Laurent kissed his teeth as I answered.
"You left your rings." A female said.
"Who is this?"
"Cecile? From Maryland? I meet you last night?" Her tone got sadder as she realized I not remember her. "Anyway, I am pulling up at your hotel, I'll drop them at the front desk." She hung up. I ran down to the lobby and dragged her back up to Laurent's room. Laurent sat on the edge of the bed as I pushed her into the room. She seem concerned about what was happening.
"I'm pretty sure are all of your rings are here, if not I can go back and search." She walked across the room and set the rings down on the table. I looked at Lau and he watched her closely. She looked from Lau to me then started towards the door when neither of us said anything. I blocked her path and she stepped backwards with her hands up. "Look, I'm not here for trouble. I just want to return the rings." Cecile's eyes darted between Lau and I as she backed up some more seeing the mean look on Laurent's face.
"No one want you." Lau looked her up and down in disgust. I shake my head at his rude but honest comment. That hurt her feelings. "What you do with my brother?" Laurent bellowed. She jumped then quickly pulled up her periscope account. It was an hour long. I watched while we sang and dance and laugh. I answer a few fan questions. I say Laurent had other plans but maybe join next time. It all looked innocent but did not explain the bed situation.
"Why I wake up naked?"
"I had nothing to do with that!" She answered quickly taking another step back as Lau smirked. "I closed myself in the bathroom with my headphones and music when you unbuttoned your pants. After some time, I heard a loud thump then the door close shortly after."
"So you no hear anything?" I asked.
"Like skin slapping and screaming? Or a voices saying, 'Yeah you like that, ah shit, yes daddy harder, yes, yes, yes'?" She looked at the wall as her cheeks reddened. "Yeah every nasty sound, it was loud. Thank God my headphones didn't blow out." She said as her face completely red. "Can I leave now?"
"Why you no join?" Laurent laugh leaning towards her. She stepped back and fell into the chair.
"I think he is a great dancer and all that but I was never interested in doing that with him." She glanced at my face then stood up to leave again but Laurent stood in her way now.
"Yes?" Her voice was almost a whisper with her face almost in his chest.
"You want to hang out with us for a while?" He asked. She smiled briefly looking towards his face but I no think they made eye contact.
"Thank you but no, I don't think I would." She wiped her cheeks as she dropped her head.
"What wrong?" I asked. She shrugged, "Got too close to the sun." She walked around Laurent and to the door without a backwards glance. "Oh sorry!" She said to someone at the door.
"Are you okay?" Two females asked. Laurent stared at me insurprise as my eyes were glued to the twins at the door. Cecile nodded. "You're a fan right?" The females asked.
"I was." She started to cry. Mai pushed the door and Mia pulled the girl behind her back into the room.
"What did you do to this poor girl?" Mai hissed. Laurent sighed running his hands over his twists.
"Nothing, I ask her if she want to hang out and she say no." Laurent explained uncaringly.
"Why she crying?" Mai asked.
"She had a crush on Lau and he hurt her without knowing it." Mia answered calmly.
"That not what-!" Laurent looks at Cecile's lowered head.
"No one want you." Cecile repeated his words.
"I see, how about we go get something to eat and you can see he really isn't a mean person. He sometimes speaks without thinking." Mai tried to coax the girl to go with us.
Mia stepped between Lau and I. I tensed thinking she step in to hit me in my stomach but she pulled my hair instead. She whispered in my ear as I leaned on her shoulder trying not to relax my stomach, "I told you if you cheated on my sister, I would damage something vital, I can smell at least two other scents on you." She squeezed my ring finger really hard. "Put your ring back on." She hissed before releasing me. She turned to Laurent when he grabbed her hands then brought them to his lips to kiss them. "You are supposed to keep each other out of trouble." She quietly fussed at Lau before she slapped the back of my head like Lau used to do when I mess up. She so mean! Mai and her nothing alike. Lau bites back a laugh as he pulls her into his arms.
"Now go get clean, you have twenty minutes to meet us downstairs." Mia announced turning Mai and Cecile to walk out the door.
After a shower, Lau and I met our wives and Cecile for breakfast. They put Cecile between Lau and me while they took pictures and video of her questioning us. Laurent was nice to Cecile but he never stopped touching Mia the entire time.
After a while Mai checked on the babies while Mia quietly talked to Cecile.
"Lau can be too harsh, but isn't it better that he is honest with you than lead you on?" Mia smiled at her. Cecile nodded. Lau apologized saying he sorry he hurt true fans then give her a kiss on the cheek that Mia caught on video for her. Cecile turned bright red but she looked really happy with all the photos and footage she gained that morning. Cecile left after breakfast but she thanked us for everything.
On the way back to our rooms I stop Laurent to apologize for last night and for getting him in trouble. He laughed, "I not in trouble and if you keep you mouth shut you not be in trouble too." He said quietly reminding me of when us younger.
"But I-" Laurent cut me off.
"Sing a few songs with a group of girls that want to do music with us. Cecile came with you to my room to ask me to reconsider working with her group. And got her feelings hurt when I still turn her down." Laurent walk paased me continued to his room.
Well how do you like that? Laurent just told his brother to lie. And Larry did a good job of keeping Mia's secret, wonder how long that will last? As always thanks for reading, comment, vote and if you haven't add to your library and reading list. Til next time.

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