18/What happened

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A/N: Words in italics are thoughts. Words in "quotation marks and italics" are in French.
WARNING: This chapter contains strong language but no unicorns were hurt in this chapter, maybe a few. Sorry. Try to enjoy.


"Wake up already you little bitch! Do I need to slap you awake? Come on you gigantic pain in my ass!" Reason 41 why I no like her, she loud and rude.
"Blaze! I know you hear me! Get up! Come on! It is time to fight!" Reason 42 her timing is bad.
"Shut the fuck up, salope!" I growled.
"You promised to protect us so shut your cocksucking mouth and open your damn eyes, you lazy salope!" She yelled. Reason 43, she never shut up.

We walk around searching for my brother but all we find is more people who want to fight. I watch as she fight, she smiles cheerfully the whole time but I can sense her fear. She only make moves to end the fight quickly, no matter how many she face. She aim for chest and neck only grabbing arms and legs when they were thrown. She break and dislocate bones with no hesitation.

"This is taking too long."
She pull out a phone, dial a number and hand it to me, "Tell them to come to help search."
"You do it!" I hissed.
"You are the leader now and we could use the help." She pushed the phone to me. After calling in the calvary, we waited.
"You think they here? My brother and Mai." I laughed.
"I hope so, either way no harm to search the place, maybe find someone who knows where them and my father are." She answered.
"It stink in here." I mumbled turning around again to wait for her to catch up.
"That's cedar. You know a type of wood." She smiled. Reason 44- she treat me like I stupid.
"I no stupid. I know cedar a wood." I scoffed. "Look, I no like you. You fake and I no trust you." She laughed but she no say I wrong.
"Anything else?" She asked with a stupid look on her face.
"You slow me down." I huffed I turn to leave. Her smile irritate me. "Why you keep smiling at me?" I turn back to glared to her.
"Mèimei was making an observation, you try to be all gruff and mean to push me away but you are really a big softy." She know nothing.
"You no know me!" I yelled.
"Do I need to?" This bih irritate me. She treat me like I less than her but then she help me when I was getting beat. She look at me, like she feel the same about me as I feel for her. We could go the rest of us life avoiding each other and live happy ever after. She sighed, "Look I am going to try not to hurt your feelings." She exhaled. I almost laughed, she no can hurt me is she crazy. "If you hear nothing else, listen when I say I give zero fucks what you think of me. Know my loyalty only extends to you because of your brother. I woke you instead of letting them hurt or kill you in your sleep." I shifted my weight then opened my mouth to tell her she not get a chance but she spoke first. "I neither need nor want your trust. Betray me and I will happily let the next set of goons dismantle you." I no need her. I can handle myself. She touched my arm. Who the softy now? "You are family and while I love you as family. Most days, I would love nothing more than to kick you spoiled, cocky, whoring ass up and down Champs-Elysées." Reason 45-she violent.
"However, I have to admit, I would probably be just like you if William never happened." I turned towards her crossing my arms across her chest. How long she going to bring this dude up, she had a bad experience. She say she move on but she keep bringing it up. Another lie, she full of them.
"You still fake!" I argued. She still smile like she so happy. She always smile even when her words are angry. She spit angry words like venom but her eyes always smile.
"How is that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow seeming to finally catch her breath a little.
"You never angry! Why you no get angry?" I shot back.
"Because anger belongings to Mèimei. She controls it. I have limited access to it." She smile again.
She full of it. "What that mean?"
"Think of it like this." She sighed. "My anger is my nine tailed fox locked away within Mèimei. Long story short, by the time I feel angry it has already turned to rage ready to destroy the hidden leaf village." She smirked and raised her eyebrow at me in amusement. I laughed leaning against the wall my hand holding my stomach. She full of it but she funny. Lies on lies on lies.
Finally the so-called calvary arrived as we reach a room with all kinds of strange stuff. Chains, shackles, and spiked balls. There a table with shackles and a crank in the middle of the room. I wonder if this is what they plan for me and Mia.
Mia suggest they search for us spouses and clear the area, maybe bring back a few for questioning. All the men looked at me and as soon as I nod the group split up in groups of 5 leaving two groups here to protect us. Mia look really tired from the fighting but she still have that irritating smile on her face. How my brother deal with this fake bih? I know she not happy, I see it in her eyes.

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