19/What happened 2

109 17 2

WARNING: This chapter contains strong language, disturbingly violent imagery, in short, some unicorns were hurt in this chapter. Sorry. 😟


As soon as I reached the stage, several men stood in my way. I could hear Mia fighting and yelling to be let go. I had two men blocking my view of her when I heard Mai scream for Larry. When I turned, men carry his lifeless form away. The last thing I see is Mai fighting to get him before the room started to spin and everything turn black.
I was waken up by someone crying. I blinked by eyes a few times trying to focus. The room is in shadows with the only light through the bars in the door. I slowly get to my feet and feel around. The walls are softer like they have cushions on it.
Slowly my eyes adjust to the dark.
A body was laying on the floor, I no can see the face.
"Who you?" I asked
"Charlotte Guillaume." The voice answered between sobs. I focused on where the voice came from and could finally see Charlotte crying in a dark corner. Her dress now torn. I look around but no see Larry. I crawl on my hands and to the body on the ground.
"Are you okay?" I asked turning the body towards me.
"Laurent?" Mai asked as footsteps approached. I quickly got to my feet preparing to fight. Mai got up beside me then moved to the shadows.
The sound of screaming bounce off the walls almost like they come from all around us.
*screams of terror* *laughter*
Mai gasped from the shadows, "Was that?" She sounded apprehensive.
"I no know." I glanced at shadow. Charlotte froze, her sobs died as she moved closer to me. Her face flushed, her eyes widened and her body trembled. I touch her shoulder trying to get her to follow Mai but she screams in terror then falls to the ground cowering in fear.
Mai quickly turned, looking at me with accusatory eyes. I shake me head, "I touch her shoulder." I defend myself.
"Charlotte?" Mai called her softly.
"No! Please, no more. I-I not betray her! Please I want to live!" Charlotte whimpered.
Mai's face flashed concern with the sudden change in Charlotte before understanding replaced it.
*screams of terror* *laughter*
Charlotte looks like she's hyperventilating and trying to make herself smaller curling into a ball. Mai moved to me then reached down to touch her hand.
"I found them!" The male at the door yelled. "Is anyone hurt?" He asked while opening the door. I looked as Mai indicated they were physically unharmed.
"That's a relief. Sir, please hurry, your wife needs you." He implored.
"Who you?" I asked suspiciously.
"Ames, I call your wife for you at the meeting place. Please hurry." He stepped back.
"My brother?"
"With your wife. Again please hurry." He waved his hand.
"Charlotte, you are okay." Mai says softly. Charlotte doesn't move. "Think you can carry her?" Mai asked turning to me.
I scooped her up and tossed her over my shoulder. She was surprisingly lighter than I thought and smaller than she looked. She is less than 45 kilos (about 100lbs).
I quickly walked out first, Mai and Charlotte followed. Ames 6 foot frame took long strides down the hallway, Mai was jogging to keep up.
This place feel like we in a maze, we make so many turns already and seem no closer to my brother or Mia.
Charlotte didn't move or complain as we ran down the hall turning corner after corner.
*screams of pain*
As we approached the area were the screams where loudest, Charlotte started to whimper and fight my hold. I quickly put her down and Charlotte squeezed her eyes close and covered her ears.
As we moved closer to the open area as the smell of cedar was replaced by a sickeningly sweet almost metallic smell. Mai slowly moved towards the center pulling Charlotte behind her.
"P-please, no m-m-more. I know n-n-nothing." A weak voice begged before screaming again.
Charlotte's hand flew to her mouth. My eyes widened at the sight of bodies surrounding a group of people chained and hanging in a line from the ceiling.
*screams of pain*
"Please help me." A small voice begged feebly as I passed. Before I could say anything, I hear a low pitch growl.

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