13/Altered Perceptions

153 18 14

WARNING: This chapter contains strong language.

Mia (Beast's wife)

That did it. I laughed quietly to myself. Larry threw himself out the door and down the stairs charging towards Chloé. He plowed through the crowd and punched Chloé hard knocking him to the ground. Chloé dropped Mai as he fell. Mai gasped for breath briefly then moved to the side of the circle with a satisfied look on her face as Chloé was dismantled.
Now that we are alone, Beast appeared from the shadows of the office, having been listening the entire time. He laughed joyously hugging me then littered kisses on my face. We walked arm in arm towards the center of the circle.
"You not hold back!" He kissed me fully on my lips. "Thank you for bring my brother out, beautiful." He mumured as he pulled away.
"You know I would do anything for you but that is not what I want to hear. I forced Blaze out without threatening Larry's life sooooo." I looked at the furious man pummeling Chloé.
"You get final say." Beast frowned then pouted as we stood beside Mai.
"I will collect my other prize later." I kissed him on his cheek to thank him.
"Took you long enough!" She hissed angrily rolling her shoulders.
"Larry's stubborn, he didn't want to let Blaze out when I asked nicely." I offered in my defense but she only rolled her eyes. I wiped the blood from my sister's mouth.

*crack* *cr-crack* *cr-cr-crack*

Blaze straightened his back breathing hard and watching the fallen body for any signs of continuing. Beast laughed loudly and hugged his brother covered in Chloé's blood until Blaze realized his brother was holding him and pushed him back.

I walked over to Chloé to watch his eyes slowly shut. He tried to speak, so I listen harder watching him gasp for air.

"I...am...sor..." He didn't finish as his labored breathing ceased.
"Feel better?" I asked Mai as she pushed passed me grabbing Blaze's ear and walking off. Beast looked at me and shrugged. "Clean up this mess!" I yelled then followed on my husband heels.


"Ay! Ay! Ay! Bitch let go of my ear!" Blaze growled angrily gripping my hand to get free. "No treat me like Larry, I no like you. I only here for Larry. You just some worthless woman here to get him killed. A stupid bi-." I balled up my fist and used all my strength to knock him across the face. He faced me and grins so I hit him again knocking him down. "The doting sweet Mai that was blind to the real you," I force the bile back down my throat, "neither of you will ever see her again, you killed her cavorting your worthless hoeing ass around because you don't appreciate what you have at home." I threw up in my mouth thinking about all the times I look the other way, then kicked him for laughing at me. "Unlike Beast and you. My sister and I neither wanted nor needed split personalities or alter egos to share our bodies." He is amused at my irritation and I just want to cave his face in. " Mia walks in behind Beast.
"Speak for yourself, I was born when she was in her darkest mind space. She wanted my help when she had to fight, was beaten, drugged and cut up. When she was hit in the face with a shovel she begged for my help and I helped her clawed her way out of the ground when she was buried alive and dodge bullets in that van. So again speak for yourself she is glad I am around." Mia said calmly handing Blaze something to wipe the blood from his face and hands. His lips twitched and his eyes followed Mia as she walked passed. Seriously he's going to just disrespect me when I am right here.
My fist is stopped midway to Blaze's face. I glare at Mia then relax my arm.
"My point is if he wasn't a stubborn S.O.B. refusing to come out when politely asked I could have killed Chloé's sneaky ass instead of letting that idiot treat me like a heavyweight bag just to force you out." I grabbed a handful of his hair yanking him up.
"Not.the.face." Mia warned. "Calm down." She wrapped her hand over the wrist of the hand holding his hair. "Mai? Tīng nǐ de xiǎo mèimei. (Listen to your little sister.) She said sweetly pushing a stray hair behind my ear then slowly removed my hands from his hair.
"Watashi wa atode anata o korosu koto o tanoshiminishiteimasu!" Blaze threatened when I let him go. (I look forward to kill you!)
"Meinu shiyou!!" (Try to bitch)
Beast laughed loudly when Mia held us apart from attacking each other.
"You two don't have to like each other but you will not kill each other. Understand?" Mia asked, I glared at Larry/Blaze but after she quickly knocked me on my butt I begrudgingly agreed. She turned and Blaze was laughing one second and screaming profanities the next. I laughed seeing Mia looking down at Blaze, face down on the floor with his hands tied behind him.
"If I knew you like bondage we could..." Beast wiggled his eyebrow at Mia.
"Anytime you wanted to be tied up my love, say so." Mia purred and pulled Laurent's body into hers roughly. He bared his teeth, growling at her until she let him go."Tease." She rolled her eyes and hissed returning her attention back to Blaze. "When I let you go you won't try to kill Mai, right?"
"Not until I kill you!" Blaze threatened. Mia laughed patting his forehead. I can feel his anger rising, he doesn't like her touching him.
"You can try that later." She promised freeing him. Before I could blink, he lunged at her knocking her on her back choking her, "Mmm, harder," she moaned seductively squirmed under him. He paused either confused or intrigued either way Beast growled apparently not liking it. She used his momentary hesitation to flip him over, laughing while she sat on him holding his hands beside her knees. Beast yanked her back by her hair.
"He started it." Mia whined to Beast as I headed towards the shower.

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