23/What you believe

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A/N: Thank you for reading, commenting and voting for this book it means so much.
Pictured above: Isabelle & Alexandre (pronounced ah-lick-an-dər)


Eventually Larry remind me where I am. This less beautiful world haunted by Mia. In the haunted world Mia's grandmother's funeral was full of people crying in dark dull colors. Charlotte funeral was more depressing with almost everyone crying; saying she die too young, taken too soon. It too hard not think of Mia. I know now I no want this for Mia. I no want to sit near people crying loudly and go on like everything fine an hour later.
We not go to Mai's grandfather funeral but Mai send flowers.
None of us could plan Mia's funeral without breaking down so Anne suggested a private ceremony in the backyard of the house. Mai and I agreed.
It was a brief ceremony, weprayed around Mia ashes with family and a limited number of friends then bury Mia's ashes with her parents.
Before the ceremony, I thought I saw Mia dress like Zahra but lost her in the crowd of people and could not find her. Why do I have to deal with this? I see her every where but when I try to touch, she disappear. I feel like I go crazy. I have to accept Mia no live in this haunted world. So I have to ignore when I think I see her. I have to ignore when she talk to me. As long as I keep ignoring her she eventually go away.

In my world with Mia, her father was rotting in a jail for the criminally insane. We live happily in our apartment outside of Paris and going to birthing classes. We plan to remodel to make a one room into two joined by the bathroom. Mia had plans drawn to decorate the remodeled rooms as the most beautiful nurseries.

The next several months were an agonizing cycle alternating between my world; where I live a happy life with Mia and watching our babies grown in her belly and the nightmare world where Mia haunt me.

Any time I wake up and find myself in this haunted world, I miss Mia. My mind try to help, making me see her or smell her; lately I hear her talk to me, saying I love you before she disappear, but I know it all in my mind.
Anne dropped by weekly to visit me and give me the latest reports from the company. She basically run the company here, but Mia run it in my world.
I no like this haunted world and often try to force myself to wake up in the real world where Mia and us babies waiting. But more often than I want I stuck here in this world haunted by Mia.
Mai or Anne cook, clean and do laundry but the house still smell like Mia. I know she think it comfort me but I ask them for to stop. I think her scent everywhere is starting to drive me crazy. Mai swear she not do it saying it is too cruel and nowhere near funny. Anne thought I was joking, telling me she's never cooked or done laundry in her life.
I let it go but it no stop.

Larry, Mai, the babies and us enjoyed Christmas, New Year's and their babies birthday with us beautiful family.
We spend a week in Guadalupe for us anniversary and only saw us siblings for dinner. Mia joked saying Larry and Mai end up pregnant again after the trip. I laughed thinking, if Mia not already pregnant she would be after this trip.
I feel so happy and calm with Mia and my family. Everyone has put the past few months of fighting for our lives behind us and started enjoying life again.
Eventhough our company is successful, Larry and I still dance and work on our singing career. Mia is my biggest cheerleader, after Larry, and my biggest critic. She tell me to do better when I not do my best and she right there to cheer her loudest when I do.
She is growing more beautiful by the day and I happily admit, I love her so much.

I woke up the next morning thinking I felt Mia beside me so I reached for her only touching a pillow. I walk out to breakfast waiting for me. It was the kind Mia make when us would spend the day together; fruit, oatmeal, juice and tea. Mia scent lingered in the house and two place settings on the table.
That was it. I had enough of this. Ghost or no ghost, I am tired of being reminded of what I lost. I threw away the food, dishes and all. I open the balcony doors to dilute Mia's scent.
"Stop it! I no want you here! Just move on and leave me alone!" I yelled at Mia's ghost as I slammed the door to my room then fell on the bed. I cried in my pillow, asking why I in a world where my love had to die?
Later that night I felt someone shake my arm and a pained voice call out, "Lau, oh god. Papí! Please wake up! I'm in labor!"
I felt happy that I was returning to my beautiful world with Mia. She tried to shake me out of my sleep and I hear a gasped at the same time my arm started to hurt. I rolled over seeing no one in the darkened room.
"Mia?" I sat up and looked around, but it just me here.
"I told you go away! Leave me alone! I no want anything to do with you!" I yelled at the ghost, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.

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