10/Not Quite Right (Part 1)

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A/N: This chapter is in two parts because I try not to have more than 3000 words per chapter. I know none of my chapters are 'short' but I don't want you wondering when am I going to stop babbling, like now. Anyway hope you enjoy!


I counted at least ten men in police uniforms as I was escorted out of my building but there was no media coverage, not even a single paparazzi and they were always around. I was pushed, more like tossed, into the back of a police van with no windows as the doors were quickly slammed shut behind me. So there I stayed on the floor of the van, handcuffed and sliding around the back as they drove me to who knows where.
They were driving at high speeds and taking corners very hard which made sure I slid if not flew from side to side with force. Finally they slammed on brakes and turned off the vehicle. I managed to get into a seated position with my hands in front of me but I was still working on unlocking my handcuffs.
After a minute or so I noticed the sound of several boots hitting the ground. I should have known better, I quickly worked the cuffs off and searched for a way out. Too late. My brain registered the sound of multiple weapons clipping then someone fired.


After Mia was taken we waited an hour for her lawyer. She notified us that there were no charges filed against Mia, no record of anyone wanting to question her nor of any officers coming to our residence the month. Anne said she would see what she could find out but before she could take two steps Mia walked, barely walked, through the door looking bruise and a little scratched up. Anne quickly grabbed the first aid kit while I helped her to the living room.
"I must be doing something right." She laughed while sitting down.
"What happened?" I asked as she dug in her pocket for her phone.
"I invited to a meeting." Mia smiled contently as she showed me her damaged phone. I don't see why that would make her happy her phone looks like it was shot to pieces. Oh God!
"Mia, what happened?" I tried to be calm because she was but inside I losing it.
"You remember when Lucy Liu was cooking dinner in the metal trailer in Charles Angels?"
I nodded but she didn't continue. She heard someone...Oh God! Anne started checking her for more serious wounds after finding none she cleaned up the scratches. Mia smiled as she lulled her head against the back of the couch.
I seems like forever since my world was turned upside down. It has been three long weeks since my sister was 'arrested'. I want to do something, anything to vent my frustration, but Mia assured me I would have my chance later. That's not good enough, I want to break everything, scream at the top of my lungs, I want someone to pay for what I'm going through. The obvious person is my temporarily untouchable grandfather. The closest would be Larry but I can't quite make myself stop loving him enough to really hurt him.
Every time I look at Larry I want to confront him about the photos but I know our tempers will make that a waste of time. For now when Larry is home, I work in my office either at Bonaparte Enterprises or Mora Inc instead of at home. When I come home I spend all my free time with my babies. They also sleep with us, when Larry is home. Larry thinks it's because of what happened and it kind of is but; it is more about what he did and how I feel about him touching me right now.
After Mia's faux arrest someone tampered with my grandfather's vehicles. His company car was in a terrible accident and landed in the Seine River. The driver was alone and is fine except for the bruise from the airbag. He said the steering wheel locked up and he couldn't turn away.
Grandfather's plane crashed the same day during a routine maintenance flight. The official cause was fuel line blockage but Anne said the inspector told her the fuel line wasn't what was wrong with the plane. The pilot insisted the plane shut off not like it stalled but all the power shut off and stayed off. When the plane lost all power with no warning, everything locked up. The pilot and mechanic had to parachute from the plane before it crashed.
The next day, Mia ordered all company vehicles grounded as a precaution until all vehicles are throughly inspected for malfunctions and tampering by a third party. I don't know the point of all of this but I hope it was worth it because the company is getting a lot of negative attention. Which was driving the stock into the toilet, which wouldn't bother me except it's my newly appointed job, as CFO, to focus on the company's bottomline.
In a desperate attempt, I asume, to get everyone's focus off all the negative press, grandfather announced that he is excited to unite our company, Mora Inc., with Bonaparte Enterprises. Mia quickly called a press conference as CEO of Bonaparte Enterprises apologizing for the misleading information of the president to the public and stockholders. She expressed the company's embarrassment that he was reacting to old documents of a temporary agreement joining the companies together years ago. Furthermore a renewal agreement was not made and the contract term ended earlier this year. Finally she explained no further actions have taken place regarding a permanent merger or acquisition of Mora Inc. As a result grandfather lost his position and power as president but was not pushed out of the company. At least not yet. In addition, he was banned from making any media appearances or press releases without Mia's approval and I know she won't let him because she wants him to look an incompetent dullard.
Mia called me to her office when he paid her a visit to ask how we made the merger go away. She presented him with the original legal paperwork and all correspondence with the year highlighted, proving Bonaparte Enterprises contract with Mora Inc, was years ago. He accused her of trying to make a fool of him and thundered out the door. She shrugged closing her door behind him.
"Anne needs a raise." She sighed sitting beside me. "As soon as she heard what he was doing she came to me with everything I needed. He's either getting sloppy or desperate, either way, he's making himself look foolish."
"She already makes more than any other assistant in Bonaparte Enterprises, doesn't she?" I asked.
"She works harder than every other assistant at Bonaparte combined. She earns her salary every day." Mia justified. "About Chloé..."

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