20/To-get-her again

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A/N: I'm back!!😆 Thanks for waiting.
WARNING: This chapter contains violence, unicorns will be hurt.


I followed Laurent and Mia through the building to the car. Larry brought up the rear. As soon as the door opened the guy leading us fell to the ground, blood squirting from his neck as his head rolled away. Laurent, still holding Mia, fell right after.
Why is this still happening? Will this ever end? I am tired of fighting.
"Snap out of it!" Blaze yelled as he moved me out the way of a sword strike that barely missing my throat. It took a second for others to join Blaze in the fight to reach his brother.

For all my training I have almost no experience of fighting for my life and these people around me are trying to kill each other with each strike. I remembered when Mia helped me get back in shape after my babies were born.
"Why are we doing this, again?" I asked.
"Security won't always be there. They may be the best of the best but they are not superman." Mia answered while attacking me with a wooden sword.
"I know that," I huffed as I sat up with her pointing the sword at my neck, "but, I don't need this no one attacks with swords."
"If you can dodge a sword, then things like poles and pipes will be no problem." She said as she helped me back to my feet. "The time may come when you will be grateful..."
"I'm an executive and a mother not a fighter. My chances of being in a situation where this is needed are miniscule." I interrupted.
"If you can disarm me and leave, we will focus on regular fitness." Mia said as she positioned herself between me and the door. After a few failed attempts, I was panting and out of breath while Mia breathed easily virtually unmoved from my path.
"This is pointless, I'm leaving now." I huffed.
"Really? Oh okay. In that case, allow me to hold the door for you so you can be on your way...said no bad guy ever." She stood unmoved from my path.
"How do you expect me to do this? I'm tired and out of breath."
"Take this straw, and suck! It! Up! You have three beautiful babies to raise. When the time comes I want you to be able to fight. And you will fight because your life depends on it. Your babies depend on you to protect them! The people attacking will not care you are tired or out of breath and will not stop until you are dead! Do not hold back because your family needs you to survive! Now get up and fight!" I exhaled slowly and helped Blaze fight our way to our siblings. It seemed to take forever to beat the attackers back but in reality it probably took less than a minute. Others pulled Laurent and Mia back into the building while Blaze and I fought off attackers attempting to stop them until reinforcements took over.
"I did it Mia," I whispered as I checked her for injuries, most seemed like light bruises that barely warranted concern in comparison to her labored breathing. Her dress already had bloody spots and fraying in so many places, I can't tell where she was bleeding or if she was bleeding.
Laurent's injuries seemed worse, he is bleeding from his upper chest/shoulder area. I don't think the wound was life threatening but the amount of blood he was losing had me worried.
As I put pressure to the wound trying to stop the bleeding, I noticed whoever stabbed/sliced him was aiming for Mia's head. He must have turned at the last second to protect her. I mentally thank him and God for that. I can only imagine how different things could have turned out if he was a second slower, if his reflexes were not as fast or his ability to perceive danger were not as strong. My heart squeezed the more my brain ran through other possible outcomes.

I barely noticed the fighting stopped, the vehicle idling by the door, or the people trying to get us to move. Blaze was staring with glazed eyed at his brother, I can only imagine what he is thinking. He was pacing across the hall from me. While I tried to reassure Beast he will be fine, he sighed and his eyes closed. Blaze rushed to gently cradle his brother's body to his chest as he screamed pleading for him to open his eyes, to not leave him alone. He fought the arms trying to pull him away as blood leaked from his brother's wound onto his own clothes. The only thing that registered was Blaze's anger when I yanked him away by his hair convincing him to let the others carry his brother to the car for help.
I held Blaze's trembling frame against the wall by his arms, observing his clenched fist, and tight lips. I could feel the emotions running through him; rage, disbelief, or maybe that's shock but his rage was unmistakable.
Since he saw his brother fall he has been visible different. He has Larry's beautiful, soft brown eyes but he still had Blaze's hard set jaw with anger marring his otherwise beautiful features. Larry is awake and fully aware of what was happening but he didn't seem to be fighting Blaze to gain control. He was fighting Blaze because Blaze was receding to give Larry control. As soon as Laurent was in the vehicle were too.

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