7/La Grande Dame (Mia)

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content and some graphic imagery.
My mother (adopted) is sweet, loving, kind and funny. She's also viciously protective of her children and grandchildren. Maman is, in my opinion, just like that. I expect them to get along but I don't expect them to be friends.
The plan was to take our 'mothers' with us to the spa. Mai picked up Maman and I picked up Grandmére Bonaparte from her luncheon. Her 5'7" frame was covered in the latest Oscar de la Renta lace dress, with a beautiful pair of Louboutins on her feet. Her wavy dyed platinum hair was resting on her shoulders. She looks amazingly young for a woman of 60 plus.

"Good afternoon Mother."
"My beautiful, Mia." She turned towards me so I can kiss her cheek. "Mia, why are hiding your husband to see me?"
"I am not hiding him Mother. We are going to meet him and Mai's husband now." I explained as I drove through traffic.
"I am not dressed to meet anyone!" My mother complained.
"I am taking you to meet them." I repeated as I pulled off the main street.
"Is he going somewhere that I have to meet him now?"
"We are here." I announced as I parked the car.
"You are a horrible child!" She groaned as I open her door.
"Yes, father implies that to me often." I replied solemnly holding my hand out to help her from the car.
"He does not think- he is very proud of you, your strength and your resilience." She smiled warmly. She acts like she doesn't know the horrible things he's been doing to me and my family. I walk her through the door of the studio.
We walk passed several open doors with recording equipment before I knock on a closed door.
"You married a singer?" She said in horror but I didn't answer. "What kind of life can he provide for you?"
"Mother, I married Laurent because he is Laurent not for what he can give me." I responded calmly stopping her just inside the door to watch.
"Must be an extraordinary young man." She said quietly. Larry stopped the music when he saw us even though Lau was in the middle of a verse. He looked up ready to complain but Larry was already on his was to greet us. Laurent and Larry subtly charmed my grandmother and she quickly warmed up to them.
"You always surprise me. They are lovely choices for you and your sister." She smiled sincerely.
"I am glad you approve." I nodded.
"Tell me, what is wrong with your sperm?" She asked Laurent to both of our surprise. Larry spat out his drink and started to choke.
"There is nothing wrong with his sperm Mother!" I answered quickly.
"Then it is your eggs?" She surmised. Oh mon Dieu! This woman...
"There is no reason to be embarassed. The advances in medical-"
"Do not yell at me, young lady." My mother glared at me. Laurent kissed my hand then ran his thumb along my cheek turning me to look at him.
"Mia was in a car accident." Laurent replied while looking in my eyes.
"When I woke up after the accident, I was no longer pregnant." I placed my hand on Laurent's hand but lowered my eyes to look at his chest. "I was unable to protect our baby." Laurent lifted my face so I would look him in the eyes again but I closed them instead. "We have taken up a lot of time. We should catch Mai before she thinks we forgot her." Laurent sighed and softly kissed my eyelids before they walked us out. Larry escorted my mother, held the car door for her and helped her get in the car.
"I don't blame you Mia. I want you to stop blaming youself." He grabbed my waist pulling me into a knee weakening, mind numbing, body melting kiss. "Breathe Belle." He whispered as I feebly held on to his arms feeling light-headed.
"Hmm?" I could feel the strength of his hands holding my waist. After a long pause I opened my eyes to see him enjoying the effect his has over me.
He kissed my neck lightly, "I will see you at home." He said against my skin then released me. No don't stop! I quickly grabbed his sleeve as he was turning away. His mouth twisted into a smirk.
"I-I can wait until you are done." I forced out quickly then bite my lip which made him laugh quietly then whispered in my ear.
"What about Mai and our mothers?" Why bring them up? I stared at him cluelessly while he opened my car door and helped me in. "It was nice meeting you." He spoke to my mother but that didn't register. I could only stare at him as he walked back inside. He didn't say no but he did laugh which mind as well be no.
It wasn't until my mother inadvertently blocked him from view that I remember she was there. She smiled knowingly at me. This is payback for the shower and every petty, bitchy thing I've pulled in the last two weeks.
"I know that look. You will have many babies in no time." My mother chimed.
"Not if he continues to steal my unborn babies from me like he did my last one. Men do not go through childbirth, remember. " I replied turning on the car. My mother pursed her lips and folded her hands in her lap. Maybe she really didn't know what he has been up to but now she is upset.
"How can you blame him?"
"Aside from him telling me he did it. Chloé was beside my hospital bed when I woke up."
"For now," She pats my hand. "take me to see my other granddaughter."

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