4/Meet my Grandfather (Mai)

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A/N: Words in Italics in between quotation marks (" ") are meant to be in French. Any other italicized words not in quotation marks are character's thoughts. Thank you again to all who read, commented and voted for my previous chapter.

(Mai and Larry place)
"Maybe I should check it's been almost two weeks." I said to Larry but minds well be talking to myself because he wasn't paying attention.
"Who?" Larry asked hearing my voice but not hearing the words.
"Should I check on Mia?" I asked.
Larry shrugs still reading something in his phone.
"She with Lau." I can't help but sigh at my husband's lack of focus. "Mia will come to you when she want you help." Larry kissed me goodnight and put his phone down.

(A few hours later)
I am awaken by the sound of Lyric fussing, looking over to the other side of the bed but Larry wasn't in bed with me. Sighing I got up to check on my babies. "Mama's little vocalist, why are you up so early?" I yawn as I enters Lyra's room. Her crib is empty. I look at the name on the door then sighs again before going through the bathroom to Lyric's room. There they were, my little girls, playing with their Papa. I was about to go check on Nicholas (baby Larry) when someone knocked on the door. That's odd. Maybe it's Laurent? I doubt it is Mia this early but have a bad feeling.
"I get it." Larry announced. I quickly glanced at my shirtless husband and move to stop him.
"No!" I said a little too harshly before softening my tone. "I'll get it, can you make sure Nicholas is okay?" I leaned down lightly kissing my husband before pulling my robe closed to answer the door. I checked the security monitors in the hall and my heart dropped as I quickly called Nanny giving her instructions before I opened the door.
"Good morning grandfather, what a pleasant surprise."
"You're still not dressed? At this hour? Disgraceful!" He clucks his tongue in disapproval. "Well? Are you going to present my great grandchildren to me in the hall?" He looks at me expectantly.
"Please excuse my manners." I forced a warm smile on my face opening the door wider and moving out the way for him to enter.
"Speak English, your accent is still an insult to my ears, child." He responds walking into the apartment. I know my face fell slightly but I quickly regained the smile to my face. Still an ogre of a man, why is he here so early?
"Would you care for something to drink? Café olé, tea, mimosa? Maybe something to eat?" I offer with my most hospitable tone. Maybe some strychnine to go with that poisonous aura you have. I think but don't dare utter.
"No, no, I do not think you capable of making a decent offering of any of those. I have a busy day, I do not have time to get my stomach pumped or be stuck in the toilet." He waves his hand dismissively at me.
I presses my tongue to the roof of my mouth then politely utters, "Of course. Excuse me, I'll have the children brought out, please have a seat." I backed away from him and turned to Nicholas' room. Nanny had just finished getting him dressed and was starting on Lyra. I quickly got Lyric dressed before running to my room to get dressed herself.
"Who was at the door this early? And why Nanny tell me put on nice clothes before I say hi?" Larry asked as I quickly washed my face then brushed my teeth and hair.
"My grandfather is here and he has an odious temperament towards almost everything and everyone. I want you to make the best first impression possible." I explained as I wiped away the toothpaste kiss I just placed on his cheek. I put on a nice dress then looked at the clock.

6am? Ugh! What does he want this early.

I take a deep breath then walked back to Nicholas' room. I handed our son to his father, then placed Lyra in his other arm. Finally picking up Lyric and we proceed to the living room to greet my grandfather.
Larry tried to look calm as he enters the room but I can already tell he dislikes this man's affect on my mood. Monsieur Bonaparte, II is an elderly French gentleman, dressed in a designer suit, expensive shoes, a gold wedding band and a gold watch.

"Sir, this is my husband, Larry Bourgeois. Our children in order of birth our son, Larry Nicholas Bourgeois the second, our daughters Lyra Nichole and Lyric Nicole Bourgeois. My grandfather Monsieur Bonaparte, II or Sir." I gestured to each person as I introduce them. Sir grunts in irritation with me speaking French to him after he told me not to.
"It is nice to meet you, Sir." Larry smiled briefly as Sir closely inspects him then our children. After inspecting each child, he takes Nicholas from his father and sits down. I quickly hands Lyric to her father and gently sits beside my grandfather.
"Where is my son, Mai?" Sir asks.
"I'm sure you no better than I." I answered watching closely as he holds my son.
"Are you trying to sass or saying I have no right to ask after my son?" His voice boomed but Nicholas seemed undisturbed, he just squirmed in his great grandfather's hold.
"I'm sure he is with his spouse." I watched grandfather's hands very carefully as I tried to speak calmly, wondering why he would choose to hold my child, specifically my son when he doesn't 'do babies'. Nanny comes to take the girls to eat.
"Tell me about his spouse. Is she just like you, always with her panties in a twist?"
"His spouse cares deeply for your son as I do." I glanced up at his face. Sir looks disgusted by my answer. It's too early to be playing games.
"Why hasn't he answered my calls?"
"Something may have happened to his phone, but I will call now." I take this opportunity to quickly rescue my son and takes him to Nanny to feed. I run to the room to grab the phone to call upstairs.
"Hello?" Laurent mumbles into the phone. He was sleep like most people with sense and without children are at this hour.
"Mia there?" I whispered.
"Yes, she here." Laurent answers sleepily.
"Place the phone to her ear, please?" I whispered.
"Mia, you sister on the phone." Laurent announces.
"Hey Mai, why're you-" I cut Mia off.
"His father wants to speak to him."
"Lau, I will be back." Mia told her husband and after a brief pause and a few closed door Mia says okay. I hand grandfather my phone without a word, then leaves him alone to talk to Mia.
Larry corners me as I nervously tried to make breakfast.
"Mia a he?" Larry ask a little too loud for my liking. I hushed him and whispered, "Biologically, Mia is a girl, my younger twin sister, always has been. But in his view of the things, Mia is his son, only child and heir. Mia is my uncle. I am one of his disgraceful grandchildren from an ungrateful daughter that he disowned for marrying a 'Spaniards'." I tried to look unaffected but I'm sure Larry could see the pain in my eyes.
(For the record, Mai and Mia's birth father was from the Dominican Republic not Spain.)
He hugged me then kissed me sweetly before helping in the kitchen. As Larry was whipping the eggs, I finished chopping the ingredients for omelets and started making coffee.
"Here Child." He grunted placing my phone on the counter as he watched Larry prepare omelets.
"That smells delightful Larry, are you a chef?" Sir asks smiling at Larry.
"No, I just enjoy cooking." Larry flashes a smile back at Sir.
"What do you do for work?" Sir asks. I take a deep breath after Larry's answer as I waited for grandfather to make some sort of condescending comment, but it never came, at least not towards Larry.
"At least I know my great grandchildren will eat well, I was fearful they would become sick if they only had Mai to feed them." Sir laughs but Larry goes off.
"Who you think you are? You show up uninvited and unannounced. You insult my wife every chance you have, you talk about my brother like he a girl and it is obvious you do not care about our babies. What you think you doing here? You are in my house! I will not stand here and let you continue to make disrespectful comments to or about anyone in my family! If you cannot talk to and about my beautiful family with respect, leave and do not ever come back!"
I am floored, I knew they would clash and Larry is very protective of his family. I guess I thought since he didn't blow up when Laurent was insulted he'd hold his tongue. I held my breath as I waits for grandfather to respond harshly but he's laughing heartily and nodding at Larry.
"I apologize for my offensive words." Sir smiled, a truly intimidating action to witness. He smile said he would not forget and he would not forgive.
"I knew I would like you. It was nice to talk with you, Mr. Bourgeois. Take good care of your beautiful family." Sir laughed briefly then asked me to walk him out.
I struggled but quickly pulled myself together. Maybe I was wrong his response seemed contrite and coming from my grandfather that was a miracle. I walk him to the parking deck and he waves as he leaves. When I returned I kissed Larry with all my might.
"What that for?" Larry smiled.
"For being you. He is the reason I always spoke English even when you speak French. He always said, 'your French insult my ears'."
"Baby, there is nothing wrong with the way you speak French." Larry whispers seductively in my ear as turns off the stove.
"Breakfast in bed?" I smirked.
Larry nods as he grabbed their breakfast and chased me to the bedroom.

First, yes the nanny's name is Nanny. Second, do you think her grandfather was threatening? Third thanks for reading, let me know what you think. Vote & Comment. please and thank you.

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