15/On One

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I wasted no time telling Laurent about the pregnancy, this time. He was first to know after the doctor told me. I called Laurent while I was sitting in the doctor's office, with the doctor still explaining a pregnancy with more than one fetus can be high risk for someone with my slight frame and history of physical trauma.
I told Mai a few weeks later and Larry last. Larry takes pleasure in teasing me. I do not waddle like a duck, at least not yet, I am still in my first trimester, meaning I'm barely three months.
Being pregnant and traveling to my husband is proving more tiring than I thought it would be. I wasn't this tired before, but this pregnancy is sapping so much of my energy. I can fall asleep almost anywhere, and I do mean anywhere. I fell asleep in the shower in the middle of washing my hair, twice. I was leaning over the sink when Laurent found me. He laughed at me until I finished my hair, then helped me to bed.
Most mornings I try to stay in bed, wrapped in Laurent's warm embrace, but he wouldn't sleep in so I can't stay in bed. When he gets up, I have to as well or I will be deposited into water.
Last time I woke up sitting in water, I decided to buy the biggest water gun I could find and I carry it with me everywhere. Now every time he is with me (even if he is dancing) if I see him shirtless, lifting his shirt, or about to change shirts I spray him with the water gun. I usually aim below his shoulder blades or the middle back of his shirt but a few times I've got his pants, accidentally. He fussed at me but I just smile because he was frustrated that I keep shooting him with cold water.
"Why you no take nap so us can finish!?" He finally asked standing in front of me.
"Because I don't like to wake up sitting in water." I replied spraying his abs with a smile.
"Oh you want to play?" His eyes darkened as he looked down at me. I turned my head from Beast's gaze.
"Nope, just venting frustrations that my husband won't let his pregnant wife sleep in his arms as long as she wants." I look over at Larry who has been keeping his distance since he called me squishy and I pointed the gun at him. He covers his mouth and walked away with his shoulders shaking, probably silently laughing at us but I don't care.
Laurent seems happy about this pregnancy, but he also seems to be distancing himself from me. Maybe I am too moody for him right now. I mean, what else could it be?
Anyway, Matt and Draykov guard me full-time again. It's not like I can't handle myself. But after someone tampered with the brakes on the BMW and a bomb was found under Mai's minivan during a security check of the vehicles; it makes my husband feel better that I have them with me. Oh and no I wasn't driving when my brakes failed, Matt was. He force the car into a different gear or something then did some stunt driver maneuvering but he stopped the car without crashing or hurting anyone.
Of course we know my father is responsible, so neither Mai nor I have been to the office or home since my brakes failed on the way from the doctor's office.
Mai, the babies and a personal army have been temporarily moved to our grandmother's family home in Paris until Abba comes to pick up the babies.
Either grandmother is keeping Mai's location secret from her husband or he is reluctant to attack Mai because of where she is. I am not complaining, either way, I am glad they are safe.
Both Mai and Larry do enough complaining for all of us. I try not to be frustrated with them but they are making everyone miserable because they are apart but they are insufferably petty when they are together. The bickering and snide remarks over nothing, it is stressful.
For example, Larry never met Mai's new assistant so after he saw him leaning over Mai's shoulder once, he loses his sh*t every time we were all together. He yelled in her face calling her all kinds of sluts and whores while she laughs in his face.
"Oh? So you can sling your thing whatever way the wind blows and I'm supposed to forgive and forget. But you see a guy near me and I must be sleeping with him? Fuckoutahere!" Mai yelled back in his face. Larry reared back but Laurent pulled him away and across the room.
They both want to know everything the other is doing but can't or won't talk to each other about it. Mai is being excessively stubborn about holding on to ever bit of anger and hurt she feels over Larry's behavior. She hasn't heeded my advice at all. Any question Larry asked her is answered sarcastically or completely ignores him. If you know them that only makes things worse.
I can't imagine being this way with Laurent. I prefer my way of arguing with Laurent to the way Larry and Mai argue any day. Now that he has a water gun too, our arguments usually involve cold water and a lot of dodging.
I thought Larry knew or would have learned, Mai's always been a bitch but she usually kept it inside. Now she has been letting her inner bitch run rampant, especially when Larry is around. I have started removing the babies from the foolishness when I see it about to start, they don't need to see it or worse get caught up in it.
Her 'little' outburst in the shareholders meeting exactly her 'spare me your bull-ish' attitude she has on permanent display as of late. He tried to set fire to Mora building in retaliation. Thankfully Zoe, our oldest brother, was in the parking lot when the fire broke out. The fire brigade was able to save most of the building but the photo studio has to be rebuilt.
I know my father is not use to having limited resources or being cut off from persons and things he feels should have unfettered access to, i.e., Chloé, Mai, or me. Honestly I think, this is the equivalent of a temper tantrum. Chloé has been with my grandfather ever since I met them after my real parent's accident.
My grandfather used to be more covert with his actions but now everything he does is overt and all but predictable. Meaning I know something is coming, I just can't pinpoint his next move, but I am getting closer.
I have always wondered how much Chloé really did for my father, I think I have my answer. Chloé helped my father be devious and blindside their targets. Now that Chloé is gone I can't help but wonder if my father is still capable of the same level of evil I have known and come to expect from him. Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. I know I won't be giving him the chance to try the unthinkable to me without being prepared. He has proven he can get to us, hurt us and is willing to kill me to get me to bend, yield, or cater to him and his will.
This situation has become too dire to not try to be constantly two steps ahead of him.
"You sorry excuse... you want forgiveness but haven't done anything to deserve it!" Mai screamed in the other room. I rolled my eyes and continued to play with the babies. Don't tell Mai but I'm already teaching the babies about conflict resolution. If their parents keep this up, the babies will need this skill and more to survive the divorce. Nicholas ran over and hugged me when he heard a door slam. "Is dad going away again, Aunt mommy?" He whispered in French. Tell me that doesn't break your heart. If a baby can sense the tension between his parents, it is way too much and needs to stop.
"No, no my little love, mommy and daddy just forget how to talk to each other calmly and need a time out until they remember. Okay?" I smile softly before giving him lots of kisses. His sisters kissed my cheeks then held on to their brother. This would be so sweet if they didn't look like they were about to cry. "LAU!" I called with tears in my eyes. He strolled in and quickly figured the babies needed cheering up. He decided we would take them to the playground and he held me while I cried in his shirt. I blame my hormones, because I don't remember the last time I cried like this, maybe my parents' funeral? Anyway the babies are not okay.

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