8/Capture the Queen

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A/N: Thank you again to all who read, commented and voted for my previous chapters, it means a lot.
WARNING: This chapter contains sex, strong language and graphic violence.


Cecile write nice things about the time she spend with Les Twins and she posted some pictures of funny moments us have but no videos. I no hear anything from the other girls in her group, but I no expect to. The fan buzz about Cecile's periscope was all positive, mixed with some jealousy. Lau said no worry about the girls so I try. But every time I know Mia with Mai, I worry she tell her.
I no want to think about what happen if Mai found out. The thought of losing her makes my chest hurt. How Mia smell it on me but Mai not? Maybe Mia have freakish sense of smell or intuition. She still look at me with mean eyes every time I see her but Mai no notice or at least she no say anything.
I watch my sleeping beauty, Mai and gently run my fingers through her hair but she not move. I slowly move my hands down to her neck, playing with her hair. She smiles but doesn't open her eyes. She snuggled closer to me moving her leg across me. I love when she does that. I wasted no time moving to kiss and lick on her neck. She moaned softly in her throat as my lips moved down to her collarbone and my hands fondled her breasts. My hands moved down her body gripping her thigh firmly then she grabbed a handful of my hair pulling my head back. She smiled and pushed me to my back then moved my hands to her hair. She kissed down my body taking her time.
I hissed as she freed me, slowly licking around the head. My moan was caught in my throat as her tongue flicked at the tip then pulled me into her warm wet mouth and moaned quietly as she adjusted to take more of me into her mouth. She winked at me when she got her mouth down to the base. I could feel her swallow and swirl her tongue around as I moved my hips. She plays games using her until I start to shake.
I tug her head to let her know I'm coming but she only moves her mouth to the head while she strokes the shaft. I feel her hum and suckle hard and until I release. She smiles when I stop shaking then licks her lips.
She so sexy. I flip her over for her turn. "Da-da-Da-da!" One of the babies called through the baby monitor right as I moved my fingers into her warm folds. I continued to kiss on Mai's neck but she sighs. "That's Lyric, she's going to only get louder if you ignore her." Mai warned.
"DA-DA-DA-DA!" Lyric screamed on cue. Mai made an 'I warned you' face as I sighed, "Okay baby, Papa hears you."
I got off the bed and Mai followed to go spend time with us babies. I walked into Lyric's room and froze. There was a man I never see before in her room holding my daughter. I quickly punched him with all my strength and he released her making her fall to the floor, crying. Mai ran into the room and kicked the man in his side sending him flying. She screamed for help but no one came. I quickly slammed the guys head into the closest hard object while Mai grabbed our daughter. What the fuck! I was fuming as Mai pulled us daughter into her arms. I pulled her with me into Lyra's room.
"Oh God." Mai cried looking at Nanny's headless body in the middle of the floor. We looked at our quiet blood splattered and terrified daughter. Mai quickly collected Lyra as I dragged her to Nicholas' room. We both sighed in relief to find him sleeping soundly and unharmed. Mai carefully put the girls in the crib beside him, then turned to activate the security door and panic alarm.
I removed the bloody clothrs from Lyra while I tried to soothe Lyric's cries. Lyric was growing a knot on her head and I noticed a bleeding cut on her arm. Someone is going to die. I was covering her wound when he heard a loud thud followed by Mai crying out and a loud alarm. I turned as something hitting me hard across my head.

I was deep in thought about the silhouette man when Lau scared me by wrapping his arms around me as I washed breakfast dishes. I regain more and more of my missing memories everyday. I remember Dubai and planning Mai's wedding. I remember Laurent, well I remember Lau and I have a lot of sex. I remember so many unimportant and important things but not enough to put everything together, not yet. I wish I could forget the accident again it has become a reoccurring nightmare. Between trying to figure out what preparations the previous me made to protect us belle famille and that horrible memory I have never felt more drained. The question is, had I started implementing anything yet? But if I can't remember, the smartest thing to do is implement new precautions like the others don't exist. I started with Maman and she is tolerating the added security for now, but I still have to add security to his other family members. Of course I need to talk to Mai about the security here. I still have to keep up with my new plan. There is so much that can go wrong. This is why I suck at chess. It's too hard to attack and defend at the same time.
I keep reminding myself, there is no need to stress over this, I managed to marry a man I have been enamoured with for years, overcome my fears and get him to actually love me too. I know I can stop a megalomaniac from ruining my life. Okay today I just need to... what the hell?! I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the panic alarm.
I pushed out of Laurent's arms and ran towards the door almost knocking over Laurent in the process, but he was first into the hall. He looked upset to see all three security guards laying in the hall. One was bleeding but moving, one was bleeding from his ear, the other looked like his neck had been broken. I was checking the one that was moving, when I heard a baby crying from Mai's partially open front door.
As I slipped into the apartment behind Laurent, I heard struggling coming from one of the rooms.
"Stay here!" Laurent ordered as he saw his brother facing off against the intruder. I can still fight you know. I pouted but I obediently stayed put after double locking the front door.
Larry was facing a man about his height but at least twice his weight and width. The guy glanced quickly at Larry's bruised wife as she guarded the babies. Larry stepped towards the guy and started punching fast and connected every time but the guy didn't flinch or back down once. The man caught Larry's fist in his big hand as Larry threw a hook then punched Larry hard in the face. Larry stumbled slightly but came right back with a couple of combination punches. The guy retaliated with several heavy punches to Larry's face and ribs.
Laurent stepped into the room while Larry was still trading blows with the guy at the same time I saw Mai move around Larry's side. Laurent hit the guy in the knees with the cricket bat we gave Nicholas. Lau pushed Larry back when he saw him struggling to breathe then followed with a quick blow to the intruder's nose.
Larry looked like he wanted to keep fighting but Lau took over soon breaking the bat across the guy's head.
"Kiai!" Mai yelled as she landed a flying kick to the man's chest, pushing him out of Nicholas' room. He landed awkwardly on the floor in front of me and didn't move. I checked pinched his nose and held my hand over his mouth but he was no longer breathing.
"How many?" I asked my sister.
"I don't know, I only saw him. Security?"
I shook my head telling her they won't be coming.
"Nanny?" I asked. Mai shook her head as she pointed at Lyra's room.
"Where you going?" Laurent yelled as Mai pulled him in Nicholas' room with her.
"I'm checking on Nanny, you help Mai", I said as Mai closed them in the room.

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