Just another girl (chapter 22)

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Ashley's POV

I know the exact feeling which Harry is going though. So many times Charlotte has caused pointless arguments because she isn't getting what she wants and I have had enough of it. In my opinion bringing her on the tour with us would be a huge mistake as it will only cause more drama. It has been over a week now since the argument and I haven't heard a word from Harry since he left mine that night. The leaving day for the tour is getting closer and closer each day and I can't help but feel exited. Liam has been talking about it non stop and I can't help but notice the pure joy in his eyes when someone mentions the word 'tour'.

Liam left about an hour ago to go and pick up some bits he needed in town. This would obviously include chocolate which I know he loves and I love it equally as well. Whenever Liam goes out it feels weird. I've gotten so used to having him here nearly all the time that it feels wrong when he leaves. When it's just me, Jamie and Andrew home alone while Sandra's working it feels like old times again and I still can't get over how so much has changed. Liam goes back to his place now and again but I have never been there with him. I have to admit that I feel bad as he always seems to be spending his time with me. He goes out occasionally to see his band mates and his parents but from what I know he nearly never goes out socialising with friends.

The dishes from this mornings breakfast were still scattered across the work surface before I gathered them neatly before placing them orderly into the dish washer. My thoughts were distracted however when there was an unexpected knock at the door. I hadn't been expecting anyone and I was sure that the boys weren't either. One I opened the door immediately recognised the face. It was someone that I'm not sure I wanted to see or speak to, Charlotte.

"Hello Ashley" she began, smiling at me sweetly and acting as if there was no problem. "May I come in?" Could this really be happening! She's caused a lot of trouble and she seems to be acting normally. I'm not annoyed at her because she has been bitchy but I'm annoyed at her because of the way she treated someone who loved her. If she wanted to apologise then she shouldn't of come to my door, she should have gone to Harry's.

"Charlotte, have you come to apologise?" I tried by best to be stern, making sure that she knew I was not happy with her recent actions. However her facial expressions didn't change as her smile stayed in place on her face.

"No Ash I've come for a catch up, it's been a while." Shocked is an understatement. After all this she just wants to 'catch up'. I don't mind talking to her but she has to know that what she's done to Harry wasn't kind at all. The poor boy was pretty much broken in two after their argument. The only reason he became more happy throughout that day was because of the band, especially Liam.

"Okay sure. Do you want a drink?" I was trying to be as polite as possible. If Charlotte had something to say then I wanted to hear her out. Hopefully she has a valid reason for coming over and she may explain about what's going on between her and Harry. Hopefully they have seen each other and talked about things as Harry really deserved an explanation for her actions, she was too harsh.

I made my way to the kitchen while Charlotte made her way to the sofa. I couldn't help but notice that she sat in exactly the same place as Harry did last time he was over. That day he was so fragile and broken from her actions and I don't think that is something he will forget. I walked over to the sofa passing Charlotte her coffee and sitting down next to her.

"So how have things been?" I asked expecting to hear her moan about her argument.

"Oh everything's been fab, I think I've found myself a job and I'm very happy." Once again I was shocked. She's moved on from Harry and now says she's happy, this can't be right she must be feeling some type of hurt from her loss.

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