Just another girl (chapter 5)

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It didn't take Sandra long to get home. She came in the door looking at me and Harry. "Hello Ashley, are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" She said giving me a cheesy grin. "Oh yeah sorry, Sandra this is Harry" I said pointing to him. "And Harry this is Sandra." I said gesturing from Harry to Sandra. "Hello, nice to meet you." Harry said sweetly. "Are you sure it's ok for me to stay for tea?" Sandra looked at him and said, "honey don't worry about it, it's fine."

We had spaghetti for tea in a tomato sauce. It was really yummy! Harry didn't stay for long after tea because he had a photo shoot tomorrow so he needed his sleep. Before he went Sandra decided to ask him loads of dull questions. "So Harry," she said "whats it like spending time with the boys?" Harry hesitated before answering "well," he began "its fine when we spend a couple of days together but when we are on tour we can get tiered and we will start to argue about stupid things." Harry did an impression of him doing his angry face which made me giggle. After a couple more questions Harry said that he would have to leave because he need his rest. We watched him walk up the driveway towards the lane. Once he was out of sight i shut the door and walked toward the kitchen to make a cup of tea. "He was nice" Sandra said startling me. "Yeah i know" i said quickly before drinking my tea.    

After i had drunk my tea i felt a bit tiered so i decided to get ready for bed. I walked upsairs and took a shower after that i walked into my room and slipped on my pyjama shorts and vest top. I climbed under my duvet and closed my eyes, i knew i would be asleep in no time. I was wrong. Just before i was about to doze off my phone vibrated on  my bed side table. Taking the phone off the table i turned on the screen to see who it was. It was my best friend charlotte! I looked at the message and it said, 'Hey Ashley! I havent seen you in ages. I was wondering if you are around tomorrow because we could meet up and have a girlie time!' I wrote back, "Sure, that sounds great! I will meet you outside the post office at 10:30."

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